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AlliancePractice Materials
Start Thaelin Darkanvil
End Thaelin Darkanvil
Level 60-62
Category The Dragonscale Expedition
Experience 9,050
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous A [60-62] To the Dragon Isles!
Next A [60-62] Where is Wrathion?
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [60-62] Practice Materials.


Collect 15 Primal Proto-Whelp Scales.


The proto-drakes here are unlike any I've seen before.

Their scales appear to be naturally flame-resistant, stronger than steel, and don't lose flexibility in the process. Incredible.

The artisans are clamoring to get their hands on some to work with.

Start with the whelps. The smaller scales should be more pliable until we've mastered our techniques with 'em.


You will receive:


You got those scales yet?


<Thaelin carefully studies the scales.>

Brilliant. Our artisans'll have no problem puttin' these to good use!


Upon accept of all three
Pathfinder Jeb says: We'd best keep moving.
Toddy Whiskers says: Wrathion said he would meet us at the embassy atop the hill.
Scalecommander Azurathel says: It may be under attack. If it is, then I will be ready to defend my allies.
The explorers run out of the camp, with the Curious Marmoni in tow.

Primal Proto-Whelp Scales drop from Primal Proto-Whelps on the Wild Coast.

Finish up the objectives of all three quests, then head southwest to Wingrest Embassy, where Naleidea Rivergleam and Toddy Whiskers are wrapping up a conversation:

Naleidea Rivergleam says: I am honored to make your acquaintance, Sendrax.
Toddy Whiskers says: Well met!


  1. B [60-62] Explorers in Peril, B [60-62] Primal Pests, B [60-62] Practice Materials
  2. B [60-62] Where is Wrathion?
  3. N [60-62] Excuse the Mess
  4. N [60-62] My First Real Emergency!
  5. N [60-62] The Djaradin Have Awoken

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