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NeutralPretentious Businessman
Gender Male
Race(s) Blood elf, Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Businessman
Location Schnottz's Landing, Uldum

The Pretentious Businessmen are blood elves and humans attending a party held by Belloc Brightblade at Schnottz's Landing in Uldum.

Objective of[]


"This Schnottz fellow is proving to be a wise investment.
Good that I was insightfull enough to get in on the ground floor."

During N [30-35] Crisis Management

How unfortunate!
Let's get this cleaned up, shall we?
Wouldn't want to make any more of this than needs be...

Gossip Don't you want to know what happened to the man?

I'm curious, of course, but what's done is done.
We wouldn't want to stir up any unnecessary panic. That simply wouldn't be prudent!

Gossip Your only concern here is your stake in this operation?

Certainly not!
I mean, I do have my entire fortune at risk here... and honestly, what good would a public crisis do anyone?

During N [30-35] Lockdown!

My life's fortune... gone.
There's no hope left for me.

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