- Primitive Roggtotem
- Artifact Power
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Grants 165 Artifact Power to your currently equipped Artifact.
- Sell Price: 10
Primitive Roggtotem is a potential reward from the following Class Hall missions:
Critical Crops
Hazardous Materials
Feltotem Hounds
The Pale Predator
Hide as White as Snow
The Mountain Stirs
Smashing Faces
Munitions Testing
Plagued Bears
It is also a quest reward from normal Highmountain world quests and can be found inside Curious Wyrmtongue Cache.
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): This item no longer provides artifact power. Quality changed from uncommon to poor.
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.