- Prismatic Black Diamond
- "The properties of this gem are unknown until it is cut."
Prismatic Black Diamond is a Jewelcrafting recipe that converts a [Black Diamond] into one of several types of cut gem.
- Jewelcrafting
- Create with 300/310/315/320 Jewelcrafting and purchasing the recipe from trainers for 1
- Requires
[Simple Grinder] and 1x
[Black Diamond].
The result is one of a number of varieties of cut gem from among recipes requiring Jewelcrafting skill between about 300 and 325.
Note that there is no item by the name of Prismatic Black Diamond. By using this recipe, you directly convert the Black Diamond to the cut gem.
As stated, the resulting gems are "Burning Crusade Green" gems. As this is one of only a very few recipes that use Black Diamonds, this recipe may be a comparatively economical means of increasing your Jewelcrafting skill from 300 to 320 (the range it best gives skill points).
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Added a new recipe to cut
[Black Diamonds].