A prisoner (or a captive, inmate, and convict) is an individual who is confined in prison or kept in custody. The following is a list of prisoners.
- Orc Captive
- Alliance Prisoner
- Alliance Prisoner
- Arcane Prisoner
- Argent Dawn Prisoner
- Bart's Prisoner
- Battered Draenei Prisoner
- Battered Frostwolf Prisoner
- Battered Karabor Prisoner
- Bilgewater Prisoner
- Black Temple Captive
- Broken Temple Prisoner
- Brunnhildar Prisoner
- Bulwark Prisoner
- Buried Prisoner
- Caged Prisoner
- Captive Abomination
- Captive Aspirant
- Captive Basilisk
- Captive Blazing Fury
- Captive Druid of the Talon
- Captive Footman
- Captive Ghoul
- Captive Child
- Captive Mechagnome
- Captive Pandaren Cub
- Captive Pandaren Spirit Corpse
- Captive Pandaren Spirit
- Captive Pygmy
- Captive Rescued
- Captive Rivermane
- Captive Sentinel
- Captive Sha'tari Citizen
- Captive Sha'tari Peacekeeper
- Captive Spirit
- Captive Spitescale Scout
- Captive Stone Giant
- Captive Sunsworn Honor Guard
- Captive Tadpole
- Captive Traveller
- Captive Tuskarr
- Captive Vrykul
- Captive Worgen
- Captive Wrathguard
- Captive Wyrmtongue
- Captive Zombie
- Captured Prisoner
- Captured Tuskarr Prisoner
- Corrupted Prisoner
- Darkshore Prisoner
- Darkspear Captive
- Dawnchaser Captive
- Defias Captive
- Defias Convict
- Defias Inmate
- Defias Prisoner / Prisoner (Stormwind City)
- Dehydrated Prisoner
- Demented Prisoner
- Draenei Captive
- Draenei Prisoner (Hellfire Peninsula)
- Draenei Prisoner (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Dragonflayer Prisoner
- Dragonflayer Vrykul Prisoner
- Dragonmaw Captive
- Drakkari Captive
- Dreadmaul Captive
- Dying Prisoner
- Ebon Blade Prisoner
- Escaped Convict
- Escaped Prisoner
- Escaped Stonetalon Prisoner
- Ethereum Prisoner
- Farson Hold Prisoner
- Felskorn Captive
- Felsoul Captive
- Feltotem Captive
- Female Human Captive
- First Escaped Prisoner
- Forsaken Captive
- Forsaken Prisoner
- Frightened Prisoner
- Frostwolf Prisoner
- Ghastly Convict
- Gjalerbron Prisoner
- Goblin Captive
- Goblin Prisoner
- Golden Lotus Captive
- Grom'kar Captive
- Gurubashi Prisoner
- Highmountain Prisoner
- Hive'Ashi Prisoner
- Horde Prisoner (Abyssal Depths)
- Horde Prisoner
- Hozen Captive
- Illidari Prisoner
- Infested Prisoner
- Inkgill Captive
- Jinyu Captive
- Jinyu Prisoner
- Kirin Tor Captive
- Kolkar Prisoner
- Kurenai Captive
- Laughing Skull Prisoner
- Legion Captive
- Legion Prisoner
- Liberated Frostwolf Prisoner
- Liberated Karabor Prisoner
- Lion's Watch Captive
- Mad Prisoner
- Mag'har Captive
- Mag'har Prisoner
- Male Human Captive
- Naga Captive
- Nethergarde Prisoner
- Night Elf Captive
- Nightborne Captive
- Nightborne Prisoner
- Nightmare Mass Prisoner
- Occultist Prisoner
- Orc Captive
- Orc Prisoner
- Pandaren Prisoner
- Peon Prisoner
- Prisoner (Lunarfall)
- Prisoner Clone
- Prisoner of Jin'Zil
- Prisoner Rescued
- Ramkahen Prisoner
- Rivermane Prisoner
- Saberon Prisoner
- Sacrificed Prisoner
- Saurok Prisoner
- Scarlet Crusade Prisoner
- Scarlet Onslaught Prisoner
- Scourge Prisoner
- Second Escaped Prisoner
- Shado-Pan Prisoner
- Shipwrecked Captive
- Skumblade Captive
- Skumblade Prisoner
- Skyguard Prisoner
- Skyhorn Prisoner
- Starving Prisoner
- Stillpine Captive
- Stonetalon Prisoner
- Sunreaver Captive
- Theramore Prisoner
- Thunderlord Captive
- Tol Dagor Inmate
- Tortured Prisoner
- Twilight's Hammer Prisoner
- Valgarde Captive
- Vol'mar Captive
- Vrykul Prisoner
- Vulpera Prisoner
- Wastewalker Captive
- Withered Captive
- Withering Prisoner
- Wracked Prisoner
- Wrathguard Prisoner
- Wretched Captive
- Young Alliance Soldier
- Zandalari Prisoner
- Animals
- [Captive Sparrowhawk]
- Captive Great Eagle
- Captive Gronn
- Captive Cave Bat
- Captive Crocolisk
- Captive Female Kaliri
- Captive Frost Wolf
- Captive Lion Seal
- Captive Penguin
- Captive Plaguebear
- Captive Proto-Drake
- Captive Ravager Hatchling
- [Ethereum Prisoner I.D. Tag]
- [Maraudine Prisoner Manifest]
- Prisoner's Shirt
- Prisoner's Drawstring
- Prisoner's Shorts
- [Standard Issue Prisoner Shoes]
- [Mark of the War Prisoner]
- Others
- Prisoner Post
- Prisoner Bindings
- Prisoner Binding
- Prisoner Wagon
Captives in the Black Temple.