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NeutralProfessor Pallin
Image of Professor Pallin
Title <Inscription Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 75 / 105
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Scribe's Sacellum, Magus Commerce Exchange, Dalaran[41.8, 36.9]VZ-DalaranBlip
Status Alive
Student(s) Nicholo Swiftfuse, Inkrot (former apprentice)

Professor Pallin is a gnome inscription trainer in Scribe's Sacellum in the Magus Commerce Exchange of Dalaran.

His specialization is translation. He owed Deucus Valdera a favor.[1]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Objective of[]

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.2.0.



Welcome to the Scribes'[sic] Sacellum!

Trainer Tell me about Inscription.

Dalaran above Deadwind Pass
  • Sorry, <name>. Come back and see me when things have calmed.
  • I'm afraid I cannot help you right now, <name>. We have been asked to remain alert at all times.
  • Training will resume shortly, <name>. You have my word.
  • Be on your guard, <name>. We've been asked to put the safety of our visitors above all else until things settle down.
  • No need to worry, <name>. Training will continue. But for now, we must focus the matters at hand.
  • In due time, <name>. For now, we must remain vigilant.
  • I do wish I could assist you in your training, but now is not the time, <name>. My apologies.

Patch changes[]



External links[]

Northrend Broken Isles Deadwind Pass