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Elemental Unrest
The subject of this article or section was part of the Elemental Unrest, a world event that heralded the beginning of the earth-shattering Cataclysm.
HordeProphecies Of Doom
Start Blood Guard Torek [52.9, 72.4]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip
End Blood Guard Torek [52.9, 72.4]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip
Level 80 (Requires 5)
Category Cataclysm
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards 7g 40s or 13g 23s at 80
Next H [80] Signs Of The Times
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [80] Prophecies Of Doom.


Listen to a speech given by a Doomsayer in the Drag and obtain copies of the pamphlets "Elemental Fire for the Soul", "What Does 'The End of All Things' Mean for Me?", and "Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World".


Harbingers of doom are nothing new on the streets of Orgrimmar, but I'm worried about this latest batch. These people are organized and they've attracted a lot of attention in the Drag, where they seem to congregate.

I've thought about rounding them up or otherwise disrupting their activities, but that will just drive them underground. We need to find out as much as we can about them. Would you go to the Drag, listen to what these doomsayers are spreading, and gather any literature you can find about their ideas?


You will receive: 7g 40s or 13g 23s at 80


Well, did you find out anything?


<Torek reads over the scrolls you collected.>

Whoever these people are, they really mean to gain a following. It looks like they're having quite a bit of success. They can't be allowed to incite the citizens of Orgrimmar to panic and hysteria. We must discourage interest in this group and learn as much about it as we can.



Head to the Drag and start looking around. Doomspeakers are all over, but the ones marked on the map have scrolls near them.

Doomspeaker says: People of Orgrimmar, listen. We have been blind for too long! I ask you to open your eyes to the truth!
Doomspeaker says: The end of our world nears, my brothers and sisters. Azeroth will be no more!
Doomspeaker says: Flames will consume the world. Storms will wash away all hope. The elements will reign at last.
Orgrimmar Citizen says: Why should we believe you?
Doomspeaker says: But do not despair, people of Orgrimmar! Join us and learn the truth.
Doomspeaker says: Cast off your lives of war and drudgery, be reborn in elements and claim your rightful place in this new world!
Doomspeaker says: Calm down, friends. There will be plenty of time to answer all your questions.
Orgrimmar Citizen says: I want to reborn? Tell me what I must do!
Orgrimmar Citizen says: Yes, tell us!
Doomspeaker says: If you are interested in our message, I will be holding a gathering. Speak with me if you wish to know more, but beware, for Orgrimmar is full of people who would silence the truth.
Orgrimmar Citizen says: I don't want to die!


Optional breadcrumbs: H [80] The Elements Cry Out, H [80] The Situation So Far

  1. H [80] Prophecies Of Doom
  2. H [80] Signs Of The Times
  3. H [80] Infiltrating the Cult
  4. H [80] Spreading The Word
  5. H [80] The Master's Plan
  6. H [80] The Doomsday Plan
  7. H [80] Thwarting Twilight's Hammer
  8. H [80] Alert Our Leaders

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2010-11-01): Activated.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Added.

External links[]
