- Prototype Guardian Grips
- Item Level 239
- Binds when picked up
- Plate
- Hands
- 139 Armor
- +69 Strength or Intellect
- +131 Stamina
- +78 Haste
- +35 Versatility
Domination Socket
- Requires The Archivists' Codex - Tier 6
- Sell Price: 1
Prototype Guardian Grips is sold by Archivist Roh-Suir at the Reliquary of Remembrance in Keeper's Respite of Korthia for 4,000 [Cataloged Research] at Tier 6 (exalted) standing with the Archivists' Codex faction.
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Added.