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NeutralProving Oneself
Proving Oneself
The hunting party and the proto-dragon
Start Scout Tomul[77.7, 23.9]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
End Scout Tomul[78.6, 25.37]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 11,700
Reputation +300 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards Inv misc questionmark [Centaur Cavalry Saber]
or Inv misc questionmark [Shikaar Fishing Bow]
or Inv axe 1h dragonquest b 02 [Tuskchopper]
or Inv misc questionmark [Ohn'ir Ritual Scepter]
or Inv misc questionmark [Mystic's Windblade]
or Inv misc questionmark [Ohn'ahran Greatsword]
52g 42s
Previous N [62-65] Into the Plains
Next N [62-65] Welcome at Our Fire


Blazing Proto-Dragon

Blazing Proto-Dragon
When a young centaur comes of age, they're often expected to take part in their first proto-drake hunt.

Slay the Blazing Proto-Dragon.


A gift from dragons may impress some centaur, but Clan Shikaar must see how well you hunt.

One of our hunting parties just brought down a proto-dragon infused with the power of flame. Prove your worth by aiding in the kill.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc questionmark [Centaur Cavalry Saber] Inv bow 1h centaur b 01 [Shikaar Fishing Bow]
Inv axe 1h dragonquest b 02 [Tuskchopper] Inv misc questionmark [Ohn'ir Ritual Scepter]
Inv misc questionmark [Mystic's Windblade] Inv misc questionmark [Ohn'ahran Greatsword]

You will also receive:


You look like you can handle yourself, but looks can be deceiving.


You are a more formidable fighter than I assumed.


On accept, Tomul runs down the road and up to a small outpost nearby.

Scout Tomul says: Even a young hunter can aid in a proto-drake hunt. Let us see what you've got, outsider.

The proto-dragon is in a nearby scorched clearing. A hunting party consisting of a Shikaar Beastmaster, Loyal Bakar, Shikaar Hunter, Shikaar Preyseeker, Shikaar Ranger, and Shikaar Ohuna stand ready to fight it. Upon aggroing the drake, they join in and help the player defeat it.

Shikaar Beastmaster says: Down the beast!

Upon killing it, the centaur cheer and the Shikaar Hunter salutes the player.

Shikaar Hunter says: A worthy hunter indeed.
Shikaar Hunter says: Well fought, outsider.
Shikaar Ranger says: Looks like you've taken down a proto-dragon or two in your day.


  1. N [62-65] Next Steppes or N [60-70] Ohn'ahran Plains
  2. N [62-65] Into the Plains
  3. N [62-65] Proving Oneself
  4. N [62-65] Welcome at Our Fire
  5. N [62-65] The Shikaar
  6. N [62-65] Making Introductions and N [62-65] Supplies for the Journey
  7. N [62-65] Toward the City
  8. N [62-65] For Food and Rivalry and N [62-65] Mysterious Beast
  9. N [62-65] By Broken Road
  10. N [62-65] Connection to Ohn'ahra
  11. N [62-65] Omens on the Wind
  12. N [62-65] Maruukai

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