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Inv glowing azerite geode
  • Pulsing Elemental Heart
  • Rank 2
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Use: Infuse your Heart of Azeroth with Condensed Life-Force.
  • Requires Level 50
  • "Even the most awe-inspiring elemental lords are born from simple hearts of stone."

The Pulsing Elemental Heart is obtained by combining 18 Inv offhand 1h draenorcrafted d 01 b alliance [Aqueous Reliquary], which drop from the Radiance of Azshara, the Queen's Court, and Queen Azshara in the Eternal Palace.

Infusing the item at the Heart Forge will grant Rank 2 of the Spell azerite essence14 [Condensed Life-Force] Essence and leave behind a [[]].


  1. Inv jewelry talisman 17 [Animated Elemental Heart]
  2. Pulsing Elemental Heart
  3. Inv enchant shardshadowfrostlarge [Resonating Elemental Heart]
  4. Inv enchant dreamshard 01 [Sparkling Elemental Heart]

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