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For the Necrolord quest, see N [60] Pursuit of Justice.
KyrianPursuit of Justice
Start Xandria [31.8, 30.3]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
End Xandria [31.0, 29.2]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 14,200
Rewards (for Kyrian only) Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown] and one of: Inv shoulder cloth bastion d 01 [Selfless Watcher's Shoulders]
or Inv shoulder leather bastion d 01 [Selfless Bearer's Shoulders]
or Inv shoulder mail bastion d 01 [Selfless Forgelite's Spaulders]
or Inv shoulder plate bastion d 01 [Selfless Collector's Spaulders]
77g 22s
Previous N [60] The End is Now
Next N [60] Take Heart


Margrave Gharmal

Margrave Gharmal
The Margrave must be stopped once and for all.

Defeat Margrave Gharmal.


Draka stands ready to unleash the power of the Zerekriss upon Gharmal. We need only buy her time to focus its weapon.

What we do now, we do for all of us. Bastion and Maldraxxus have both lost many to these fiends.

He will not be defeated easily, but united our forces will finally bring him to justice!


You will receive one of:
Inv shoulder cloth bastion d 01 [Selfless Watcher's Shoulders] Inv shoulder leather bastion d 01 [Selfless Bearer's Shoulders]
Inv shoulder mail bastion d 01 [Selfless Forgelite's Spaulders] Inv shoulder plate bastion d 01 [Selfless Collector's Spaulders]

You will also receive:


Our fallen may finally rest in peace.


Speak with Xandria again:

Gharmal will not escape our vengeance.
Are you ready?
Gossip I am ready to assist you.

Gharamal, Alexandros, and Xandria march to the center of the arena.

Alexandros Mograine says: Let us see this done.
Margrave Gharmal says: Is this all you could muster? I'd had hoped for a proper meal!
Xandria says: Bluster all you like. It is time to pay for your crimes.
Margrave Gharmal says: You mistake foolishness for bravery, kyrian. You tread in our domain!
Alexandros Mograine says: Give up this madness. The Primus would not stand for this!
Margrave Gharmal says: We should have raided Bastion ages ago! The Primus held us back!
Xandria says: Your betrayal sealed your fate. Justice will be done!
Margrave Gharmal says: A barony for the one who brings me the Paragon's husk!

Xandria tanks Gharamal, while Alexandros sticks with the player, and will tank the two named sub-bosses that come out, one after the other. A cutscene plays and the encounter ends when both are slain.

Destructor Guttersludge yells: My margrave! I am at your side!

After Destructor Guttersledge is slain.

Alexandros Mograine says: You had your chance to surrender. Now we will avenge Krexus with your blood!
Margrave Gharmal says: Krexus was a fool! He paid the price for defying us, and so will you!
Margrave Gharmal says: Face us, Draka! Or will you beg to join our house, as you did that of the Chosen?
Virulator Ructus yells: The margrave will consume you!

After both minions are slain, Xandria strikes Gharmal's stomach with her spear as Gharmal yells for help, their voice begins to shake.

Margrave Gharmal says: GRAAAAHH!
Margrave Gharmal says: Incompetent fools! Defend your house!
Margrave Gharmal says: Defend your margrave!

The Zerekriss approaches from the skies as Draka observes the battle.

Baroness Draka says: We have them! FIRE!

The necropolis gathers energy and fires a massive blast towards the margrave, striking them directly as the other combatants move out of the way.

Margrave Gharmal says: Do not... let them... aaarrggghh!


  1. N [60] An Expected Visitor
  2. N [60] A Perilous Journey
  3. N [60] Stronger Together
  4. N [60] Fight and Flight
  5. N [60] Justice from Above, N [60] The Butchers of Bastion, N [60] Dark Developments
  6. N [60] An Early End, N [60] Burn Before Reading, N [60] Descended
  7. N [60] Trouble on the Western Front
  8. N [60] Charging The Blade, N [60] Grave Intent, N [60] Aerial Advantage
  9. N [60] Power of the Chosen
  10. N [60] The End is Now
  11. N [60] Pursuit of Justice
  12. N [60] Take Heart
  13. N [60] Return to the Hold
  14. N [60] Crest of Greatness

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