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Image of Pyroth
Title <Son of Rhyolith>
Gender Male
Race Magma giant (Elemental)
Level 45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Firelands
Location Rhyolith Plateau, Firelands
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Rhyolith (father)
Companion(s) Slagmaul, Chargore (champions), Slag Elemental (servant)

Pyroth is a magma giant and the son of Rhyolith.


The death of Ragnaros has left the Firelands in utter chaos.[1] The elementals residing there become engaged in an epic battle for supremacy.[2] Eventually Pyroth and Smolderon and would emerge as the top contenders for the position of Firelord.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the shaman of the Earthen Ring attempt to recruit the Elemental Lords to fight with them against the Burning Legion. Upon witnessing the civil war raging in the Firelands, the Farseer ordered their forces to scout out the area and learn about the two leaders. After learning that Smolderon was more willing to work with mortals over Pyroth, the Farseer decide to back Smolderon as the new Firelord. To that end, the Earthen Ring disposed of Pyroth and brought his core to Smolderon, in a bid to earn his favor and in turn unite the Elemental Lords against the Burning Legion.[3]


  • Spell fire ragnaros molteninferno Conjure Flame Sprites
  • Spell nature earthquake Eruption — Smashes the ground, causing a series of eruptions. Players hit by an eruption suffer Physical damage and are knocked into the air.
  • Spell burningbladeshaman molten torrent Loose Slag — Creates pools of slag when damaged.

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