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NeutralPyxni Pennypocket
Image of Pyxni Pennypocket
Title Gladiator Supplies,
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 35-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Steamwheedle Cartel
Occupation Vendor
Location Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive

Pyxni Pennypocket is a goblin located in the Ring of Trials as a vendor for Gladiator Supplies.

She also appears in the Lunarfall in Shadowmoon Valley and Frostwall in Frostfire Ridge as a Trader in Trading Post.



Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.
Inv fishing innards meat gulper [Abyssal Gulper Eel Flesh]
Inv ore blackrock ore [Blackrock Ore]
Inv fishing innards meat whiptail [Blackwater Whiptail Flesh]
Inv fishing innards meat sturgeon [Blind Lake Sturgeon Flesh]
Inv misc bag 10 red [Bloody Gold Purse]
Inv fishing innards meat saberfish [Crescent Saberfish Flesh]
Inv enchanting wod dust3 [Draenic Dust]
Inv fishing innards meat sleeper [Fat Sleeper Flesh]
Inv fishing innards meat ammonite [Fire Ammonite Tentacle]
Inv misc herb fireweed [Fireweed]
Inv misc herb frostweed [Frostweed]
Inv misc herb flytrap [Gorgrond Flytrap]
Inv fishing innards meat skulker [Jawless Skulker Flesh]
Inv misc herb arrowbloom [Nagrand Arrowbloom]
Inv misc nativebeastskin [Raw Beast Hide]
Inv misc food draenor rawtalkbukflesh [Raw Boar Meat]
Inv misc food draenor rawclefthoofflesh [Raw Clefthoof Meat]
Inv misc food draenor rawelekflesh [Raw Elekk Meat]
Inv misc food draenor rawriverbeastflesh [Raw Riverbeast Meat]
Inv misc food draenor rawboarflesh [Raw Talbuk Meat]
Inv misc food draenor rawrylakegg [Rylak Egg]
Inv fishing innards meat seascorpion [Sea Scorpion Segment]
Inv misc herb starflower [Starflower]
Inv misc nativebeastfur [Sumptuous Fur]
Inv misc herb taladororchid [Talador Orchid]
Inv ore trueironore [True Iron Ore]


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The Ring of Trials is the perfect place to make some cash!

  • Find out what happened to that trade shipment, <name>. I'll make it worth your while!
  • Those saberon are going to pay what they owe!
  • You lookin' to fight in the arena? I've got everything you need under one roof!

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