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NeutralQariin Dotur
Image of Qariin Dotur
Gender Female
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 62-65
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Teerai
Location Maruukai, Ohn'ahran Plains[59.16, 37.61]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Status Alive
Relative(s) Sarest (mother), Agari (sister), Mariq (aunt), Teera (ancestor)

Qariin Dotur is a centaur quest giver of Clan Teerai located in the cooking area of Maruukai in the Ohn'ahran Plains. As indicated by "Dotur", she is one of Khanam Matra Sarest's daughters. She has adventurers help her cook a meal for the Maruukai Ancestors as part of preparations for the Khural.[1]

During Clan Nokhud's attempt to take the city, Qariin is seen defending herself with a spear against a Nokhud Betrayer.[2]


  1. N [62-65] Clan Teerai Activequest
  2. N [62-65] Honoring Our Ancestors AvailablequestActivequest


Main article: Honoring Our Ancestors#Notes
Our traditions are sacred to us.
Gossip What does "Dotur" mean in your name?
I am of Teera's bloodline, a daughter of Khanam Matra Sarest herself.
You may find many of us among Clan Teerai, dedicating our lives to upkeeping traditions and serving the Maruuk in many ways.
When a Khanam Matra passes, a new one is chosen from her daughters and granddaughters. Thus the bloodline follows as we continue Teera's legacy.
Gossip Why did you have me burn the meat? (after burning the meat during N [62-65] Honoring Our Ancestors)
Ohn'ahra's winds carry the scent of our offering to our ancestors, who live amongst her in the sky. The stronger the scent, the more likely it is to reach the spirits.
By overspicing and overcharring our offerings, we make sure the smoke is strong and our ancestors can find their way home.
Iskaara gossip

Big Kinook runs an impressive kitchen. The way he commands such a large operation is truly impressive. I doubt I would have the attention or patience to welcome so many "helpers" to my hearth.

I think they could use a little more meat, though. And much, much more spice.

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ N [62-65] Honoring Our Ancestors
  2. ^ N [62-65] The Khanam Matra, N [62-65] Trucebreakers

External links[]
