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VenthyrRSVP: Mikanikos
Start Mikanikos
End Mikanikos
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 9,450
Reputation +300 Mikanikos
Rewards Inv letter 17 [RSVP: Mikanikos]
Inv engineering 90 toolbox teal [Assorted Parts and 'Things']
25g 74s


Assist Mikanikos by gathering potentially perfect parts so he can finish his construction and attend the Ember Court.


Ember Court sounds interesting ... but very busy right now! Forsworn got into my supplies. Now everything jumbled and disorganized. Can't work in these conditions. My workshop isn't right!

Help me! Get parts. Most will be damaged and you don't know how to tell about flaws. Bring me many to examine. I will find perfect part.


You will receive:

Inv letter 17 [RSVP: Mikanikos] Inv engineering 90 toolbox teal [Assorted Parts and 'Things']


Have my parts?


Perfect one here! See? Rest are bad for my construction. You keep.


On approach (at 'Stranger' reputation level)
Mikanikos says: Much to learn... Much to try...
On approach (at 'Buddy' reputation level)
Mikanikos says: Friend! Ember Court most interesting... will need more soon!
On accept
Mikanikos says: Every part is perfect for something, but this time I have very particular something!
On completion
Mikanikos says: Can finish construction! Good. Ember Court, next.
Gossip upon completion at 'Buddy' reputation level
<Name>! What new inspiration you bring today?
Battled new enemies? Discovered new technologies? Mastered new magic?
Tell me everything.
Small details often lead to big revelations!

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