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Core races
Allied races

Racial traits, commonly referred to as racials, are special abilities or powers granted to a player character based on race. These traits come in both active and passive forms. Each race has at least 3 traits (several passive and at least one active trait per race) known by all characters of that race at the time of creation.

Racials represent the main gameplay difference between races, and aside from faction choice, the main non-cosmetic basis to choose between races.


Racial Abilities
Alliance Alliance DraeneiDraenei Draenei Spell holy holyprotection [Gift of the Naaru] Inv helmet 21 [Heroic Presence] Spell misc conjuremanajewel [Gemcutting] Spell shadow detectinvisibility [Shadow Resistance]
DwarfDwarf Dwarf Inv misc map08 [Explorer] Spell frost wizardmark [Frost Resistance] Inv hammer 05 [Might of the Mountain] Inv gauntlets 03 [Stoneform]
GnomeGnome Gnome Spell nature wispsplode [Arcane Resistance] Inv misc gear 01 [Engineering Specialization] Ability rogue trip [Escape Artist] Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Expansive Mind] Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Nimble Fingers]
HumanHuman Human Spell shadow charm [Will to Survive] Inv misc note 02 [Diplomacy] Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [The Human Spirit]
Night elfNight elf Night elf Ability racial ultravision [Elusiveness] Spell nature spiritarmor [Nature Resistance] Ability racial shadowmeld [Quickness] Ability ambush [Shadowmeld] Spell holy elunesgrace [Touch of Elune] Spell nature wispsplode [Wisp Spirit]
WorgenWorgen Worgen Ability racial runningwild [Running Wild] Ability racial darkflight [Darkflight] Ability hunter pet wolf [Viciousness] Ability druid rake [Flayer] Spell shadow antishadow [Aberration] Achievement worganhead [Two Forms] Ability worgen calmthewolf [Calm the Wolf]
Void elfVoid elf Void elf Ability racial chillofnight [Chill of Night] Ability racial entropicembrace [Entropic Embrace] Ability racial etherealconnection [Ethereal Connection] Ability racial preturnaturalcalm [Preternatural Calm] Ability racial spatialrift [Spatial Rift]
Lightforged draeneiLightforged draenei Lightforged Ability racial orbitalstrike [Light's Judgment] Ability racial forgeoflight [Forge of Light] Ability racial demonbane [Demonbane] Ability racial finalverdict [Light's Reckoning] Ability racial holyresistance [Holy Resistance]
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron Ability racial dungeondelver [Dungeon Delver] Ability racial fireblood [Fireblood] Ability racial foregedinflames [Forged in Flames] Ability racial massproduction [Mass Production] Ability racial molemachine [Mole Machine]
Kul TiranKul Tiran Kul Tiran Ability racial brushitoff [Brush It Off] Ability racial childofthesea [Child of the Sea] Ability racial haymaker [Haymaker] Ability racial jackofalltrades [Jack of All Trades] Ability racial rimeoftheancientmariner [Rime of the Ancient Mariner]
MechagnomeMechagnome Mechagnome Ability racial combatanalysis [Combat Analysis] Ability racial mastercraft [Mastercraft] Ability racial rearm [Emergency Failsafe] Ability racial skeletonpinkie [Skeleton Pinkie] Ability racial hyperorganiclightoriginator [Hyper Organic Light Originator]
Neutral Neutral PandarenPandaren Pandaren Pandarenracial epicurean [Epicurean] Pandarenracial gourmand [Gourmand] Pandarenracial innerpeace [Inner Peace] Pandarenracial bouncy [Bouncy] Pandarenracial quiveringpain [Quaking Palm]
DracthyrDracthyr Dracthyr Ability racial soar [Soar] Ability racial soar [Principles of Soaring] Ability racial familiarskies [Familiar Skies] Ability racial visage [Visage] Ability racial chosenidentity [Chosen Identity] Ability racial awakened [Awakened] Ability evoker discerningeye [Discerning Eye] Ability racial tailswipe [Tail Swipe] Ability racial wingbuffet [Wing Buffet] Ability racial glide [Glide]
Horde Horde Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf Inv enchant shardglimmeringlarge [Arcane Affinity] Spell arcane studentofmagic [Arcane Acuity] Spell shadow antimagicshell [Arcane Resistance] Spell shadow teleport [Arcane Torrent]
GoblinGoblin Goblin Ability racial rocketjump [Rocket Jump] Inv gizmo rocketlauncher [Rocket Barrage] Ability racial timeismoney [Time is Money] Ability racial bestdealsanywhere [Best Deals Anywhere] Ability racial betterlivingthroughchemistry [Better Living Through Chemistry] Ability racial packhobgoblin [Pack Hobgoblin]
OrcOrc Orc Racial orc berserkerstrength [Blood Fury] Ability warrior warcry [Command] Inv helmet 23 [Hardiness]
TaurenTauren Tauren Inv misc head tauren 01 [Brawn] Inv misc flower 01 [Cultivation] Spell nature unyeildingstamina [Endurance] Spell nature spiritarmor [Nature Resistance] Ability warstomp [War Stomp]
TrollTroll Troll Inv misc pelt bear ruin 02 [Beast Slaying] Racial troll berserk [Berserking] Inv misc idol 02 [Da Voodoo Shuffle] Spell nature regenerate [Regeneration]
UndeadUndead Undead Spell shadow raisedead [Will of the Forsaken] Ability racial cannibalize [Cannibalize] Spell shadow fingerofdeath [Touch of the Grave] Spell shadow detectinvisibility [Shadow Resistance]
NightborneNightborne Nightborne Ability racial ancienthistory [Ancient History] Ability racial arcaneaffinity [Magical Affinity] Ability racial cantrips [Cantrips] Ability racial forceshield [Arcane Pulse] Ability racial magicalresistance [Arcane Resistance]
Highmountain taurenHighmountain tauren Highmountain Ability racial bullrush [Bull Rush] Ability racial prideofironhorn [Pride of Ironhorn] Ability racial mountaineer [Mountaineer] Ability racial ruggedtenacity [Rugged Tenacity] Ability racial wastenotwantnot [Waste Not, Want Not]
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har Ability racial ancestralcall [Ancestral Call] Ability racial openskies [Open Skies] Ability racial pureblood [Savage Blood] Ability racial sympatheticvigor [Sympathetic Vigor]
Zandalari trollZandalari troll Zandalari Ability racial cityofgold [City of Gold] Ability racial embracetheloa [Embrace of the Loa] Ability racial pterrordaxswoop [Pterrordax Swoop] Ability racial regeneratin [Regeneratin']
VulperaVulpera Vulpera Ability racial makecamp [Make Camp] Ability racial returntocamp [Return to Camp] Ability racial fireresist [Fire Resistance] Ability racial rummageyourbag [Alpaca Saddlebags] Ability racial bagoftricks [Bag of Tricks] Ability racial vulperasurvivalkit [Rummage Your Bag] Ability racial nosefortrouble [Nose For Trouble]

Removed racial traits[]

Only available in test versions of the game:


  1. ^ Josh Horst & Ryan O'Donnell 2003-12-15. GameSpy: World of Warcraft Gen Con 2003 preview. GameSpy. Archived from the original on 2015-09-07.