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MobRaemien the Soultaker
Image of Raemien the Soultaker
Gender Male
Race Human (Undead)
Level 45 Elite
Class Death knight
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Stratholme Service Entrance
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable Legion
Companion(s) Shadowmane (steed)

Raemien the Soultaker is a death knight who ambushed the paladins of the Silver Hand who had entered the Stratholme Service Entrance in order to get Aurius Rivendare's steed, Shadowmane, during the Burning Legion's third invasion. Raemien died under the might of those he ambushed.


  • Ability rogue feigndeath Bone Cage — Surrounds the target with a cage of bones, stunning and rooting them and inflicting Shadow damage every second for 20 sec.
  • Spell shadow deathanddecay Death and Decay — Corrupts the targeted ground, causing Shadow damage over 20 sec to targets within the area.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02 Drain Life — Drains health from an enemy over 6 sec., transferring it to the caster.
  • Ability creature disease 03 Pustule Plague — Blisters a target, inflicting increasing Nature damage every second for 20 sec.
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt Shadowbolt Volley — Conjures a volley of Shadow magic, inflicting Shadow damage to enemies within 50 yards.

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Main article: Stirring in the Shadows#Notes

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