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Not to be confused with Ragewing the Untamed.
Image of Ragewing
Race Flayedwing (Beast)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Bleak Redoubt, Maldraxxus[52.9, 67.7]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Status Alive

Ragewing is a flayedwing ridden by players to repel an assault on the Bleak Redoubt in Maldraxxus during N [60] Enemy at the Door.

Controlled abilities[]

  1. Inv polearm 2h heirloomspear c 01 Heirmir Spear Strike 5-200 yd yd range — Throw a rune covered spear at target area, Inflicts X Physical damage to enemies within 12 yards of the impact. Instant. Ground-targeted AoE (1 sec cooldown)
  2. Inv misc 5potionbag special Marileth Plague Satchel — Toss a bundle of plague vials on enemies below, Inflicts 237,323 Shadow damage to enemies within 100 yards of the impact. Instant. Automatically targets nearby siege weapons (6 sec cooldown)
  3. Ability rogue rollthebones04 Return Home — Instruct Ragwing to return to The Seat of the Primus. Instant (10 sec cooldown)

Patch changes[]

External links[]

On the ground In the air