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Image of Rai'vosh
Race Unbound air elemental (Elemental)
Level 10-40 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Mount Kra'gor, Shadowmoon Valley[48.8, 22.7]VZ-Shadowmoon Valley (alternate universe)Blip
Status Killable
Rai'vosh and Turog

Rai'vosh and Turog

Rai'vosh is an unbound air elemental found on Mount Kra'gor above Windreaver's Rise west of the Umbrafen. Windcaller Turog is trying to bind Rai'vosh to him, but the ritual does not go well for Rai'vosh.


  • Spell nature cyclone Call Furious Winds — Rai'vosh calls Furious Winds to help, inflicting Nature damage and knocking enemies into the air.
  • Inv elemental primal air Slicing Zephyr — A violent burst of wind inflicts Nature damage to an enemy.
  • Spell frost windwalkon Sweeping Winds — Rai'vosh calls forth violent winds, inflicting Nature damage and pushing enemies away.



Windcaller Turog says: Spirits of air, wind, and all...
Windcaller Turog says: I bind this creature to my call!
Rai'vosh says: Fool.
Rai'vosh says: You meddle in powers... beyond your comprehension.
Rai'vosh launches Turog skyward.
Windcaller Turog says: Aaaaauuuuggghhhhh!

Tracking quest[]

To check whether Rai'vosh has been looted, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35553))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Rai'vosh has been looted; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
