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Achievment boss madnessofdeathwing

Raiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm is an achievement earned by capturing each of the listed battle pets, all obtainable from raids introduced during the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. The reward for collecting all pets is Achievement firelandsraid balorocthegatekeeper [Amalgam of Destruction].


All of the required pets are drops from Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, Throne of the Four Winds, Firelands, and Dragon Soul.

Raid Boss Pet item Pet name
Blackwing Descent Omnotron Defense System Trade archaeology dwarf runestone [Rough-Hewn Remote] Tinytron
Blackwing Descent Maloriak Inv 60pvp trinket2a [Experiment-In-A-Jar] Discarded Experiment
Blackwing Descent Nefarian Achievement dungeon naxxramas heroic [Shadowy Pile of Bones] Rattlejaw
Bastion of Twilight Valiona and Theralion Creatureportrait twilightshammer dragonegg 02 [Odd Twilight Egg] Twilight Clutch-Sister
Bastion of Twilight Ascendant Council Creatureportrait twilightshammer summoningportal water01 [Lesser Circle of Binding] Bound Stream
Bastion of Twilight Cho'gall Creatureportrait twilightshammer lava magicball [Twilight Summoning Portal] Faceless Minion
Throne of the Four Winds Conclave of Wind Inv elemental mote air01 [Breezy Essence] Drafty
Throne of the Four Winds Al'Akir Inv elemental primal air [Zephyr's Call] Zephyrian Prince
Firelands Shannox Inv ember [Smoldering Treat] Blazehound
Firelands Beth'tilac Creatureportrait twilightshammer dragonegg red 01 [Cinderweb Egg] Cinderweb Recluse
Firelands Baleroc Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 01 [Vibrating Stone] Surger
Firelands Majordomo Staghelm Inv misc enggizmos 18 [Fandral's Pet Carrier] Infernal Pyreclaw
Dragon Soul Yor'sahj the Unsleeping Inv misc stoneoil [Puddle of Black Liquid] Faceless Mindslasher
Dragon Soul Spine of Deathwing Achievment boss spineofdeathwing [Elementium Back Plate] Corrupted Blood
Dragon Soul Madness of Deathwing Ability deathwing sealarmorbreachtga [Severed Tentacle] Unstable Tendril

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