The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
- Ram Racing Reins
- Conjured Item
- Quest Item
- Unique
- Use: Loosen the reins and get ready for some speed!
- "Giddyup!"
Ram Racing Reins are found during the progress of the Brewfest quests.
[1-70] Now This is Ram Racing... Almost.
[1-70] Now This is Ram Racing... Almost.
[1-70] There and Back Again
[1-70] There and Back Again
[1-70 Daily] Bark for the Barleybrews!
[1-70 Daily] Bark for the Thunderbrews!
[1-70 Daily] Bark for Drohn's Distillery!
[1-70 Daily] Bark for T'chali's Voodoo Brewery!
You also gain these with the racing ram buff, when participating in the Continuing to help out Brewfest event.
These quests are timed, and when the buff giving you the racing ram leaves you, so do the reins.
There is an apprentice at the brewfest area who you can ask for another set of reins, whether you have the racing ram buff or not. If you do not have the buff, these do nothing. If you get the buff, these will be replaced; you will still have one set.
Patch changes[]
Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): Added.