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NeutralRannan Korren
Image of Rannan Korren
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Camp Nowhere & Ruins of Karnthar, Azure Span
Status Alive

Rannan Korren is a human located at Camp Nowhere in the Azure Span. Beside him is the fellow Dragonscale Expedition member Lathos Sunband.




At the camp

They paired me with Lathos--again.

I'm a man of innovation... of progress! My inventions are revolutionary!

But Lathos... He's always on and on about the importance of protocol. And his military experience makes him bossy.

I think I get on his nerves... but maybe that will change when he sees how useful my invention is!

Initially next to the Dragon Console

Sorry, I'm a little busy.

There's an unstable arcane bubble around that dragon console.

I'm calibrating the R.A.D. to dispel it safely!

After N [65-68] Worries and Validations

Lathos is right. I should be listening to him... and reading the expedition's updates.

I just really want the R.A.D. to work.

But I need my partnership with Lathos to work too...

Inside the tower

Can't talk... sorry.

Gotta think, think, think...

After accepting N [65-68] I Will Remember

I need a moment, <name>.

After completion

I wish Lathos were here.

The Dragonscale Expedition isn't the same without him.

At Loamm

Tubes and Peri know so much about titan stuff! Even more remarkable is that they have no idea what they can do with all that knowledge. They're only using the vault as a place to loot "shiny" things to sell for scented candles, snail slime, and fungi. I am getting a migraine.

The least I could do is make them a gadget that calculates profits. It should be easy peasy!

At the Ruins of Drekazera

We need to be quick, quick, quick. There are a lot of people--and things--that don't want us here!


Main article: To the Ruins!#Notes
Main article: The Expedition Continues!#Notes
Main article: Arcane Overload#Notes
Main article: Running Out of Time#Notes
Main article: Friendship For Granted#Notes
Main article: I Will Remember#Notes
On approach
Rannan Korren says: With a little tinkering, the R.A.D. will work perfectly!
Lathos Sunband says: Perhaps you should set your machine aside for now.
Rannan Korren says: You don't think I can get the R.A.D. to work?
Lathos Sunband says: No, but I believe you have other talents to explore.

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