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NeutralRazormane tribe
Blackthorn Ridge
Blackthorn Ridge
Main leader IconSmall Quilboar Male Mangletooth
  Formerly IconSmall Quilboar Male Lok Orcbane ā€ 
Race(s) QuilboarQuilboar Quilboar
Character classes Warrior, Hunter, Geomancer, Mystic, Scout, Seer, Rogue, Thornweaver
Base of operations Blackthorn Ridge, Razormane Grounds, Thorn Hill
Theater of operations Barrens, Durotar

The Razormane tribe is a tribe of quilboar that inhabit Durotar and the Barrens.

The Razormane led by Nak, Kuz and Lok Orcbane[1] have been known to raid the Crossroads and steal supplies. They were at war with the Bristleback quilboars.[2][3]

At some point in the past, when the mysterious kelani magi fell, the Razormane quilboar were quick to scavenge their Enchanted Gemstones.

When the Cataclysm split the Barrens, the Razormanes were thrown into chaos. The northern group became refugees separated from their leadership, until they rallied under Tortusk, who turned them into brigands and had them attack Grol'dom Farm. After his death, the orcs thought about starting a dialogue with the survivors.[4]


The Razormane inhabit mostly the area around Thorn Hill, Blackthorn Ridge (bordering the Razorfen tribe to the south), and expand into the Razormane Grounds in search of new land in the orc territory of Durotar.

After the Fourth War, Zekhan reported that there is a Razormane Downs somewhere in southern Durotar.[5]


The Razormane quilboar are a spiritual tribe.[6] They know that their bones need to be strong when entering a battle,[7] with the Razormane's greatest warriors being infused with Agamaggan's strength.[8] The Razormane's greatest scouts are said to be unrivaled in their accuracy, and no rogue could measure up to their quickness in battle.[9]

Tortusk's mount is a raptor named Fez.

Known members[]

Captain Flat Tusk HS

Captain Flat Tusk in Hearthstone.

Name Role Status Location
IconSmall Quilboar Female Flat Tusk Captain of the Battleguard Killable Razormane Grounds, Durotar
IconSmall Quilboar Male Hagg Taurenbane Razormane champion Killable Blackthorn Ridge, Southern Barrens
IconSmall Quilboar Male Kreenig Snarlsnout Raid leader Killable Northern Barrens
IconSmall Quilboar Female Kuz Spellcaster Deceased None
IconSmall Quilboar Male Lok Orcbane Former leader Deceased None
IconSmall Quilboar Male Mangletooth Leader Killable Blackthorn Ridge, Southern Barrens
IconSmall Quilboar Female Mottle Geolord Killable Razormane Grounds, Durotar
IconSmall Quilboar Male Nak Tracker Deceased None
IconSmall Quilboar Female Razorsnout Elder Mystic Killable Thorn Hill, Northern Barrens
IconSmall Quilboar Male Tortusk Leader at Thorn Hill Killable Thorn Hill, Northern Barrens


In World of Warcraft[]

Razormane Battleguard HS

Razormane Battleguard in Hearthstone.

In Warcraft III[]

WC3RoC-logo This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

In Warcraft III you must help the tauren defeat the Razormane quilboar who are invading their home.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Razormanes are one of the two most prominent quilboar tribes. Native to the Barrens, they frequently raid and pillage nearby settlements.[10]


  • In Warcraft III, many of the quilboar creeps were Razormanes. As such, they could be encountered in the maps of the bonus campaign such as Dustwallow Marsh and Mulgore, as well as in many multiplayer maps.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It's possible Mangletooth has been the leader of the tribe since the beginning, leading heroes of the Horde to believe that Lok Orcbane was the leader. This way Mangletooth could have his vengeance on them for leaving him captured at Camp Taurajo.[11] Even when Mangletooth has the adventurer bring the skull of Lok as proof of the leader's death, Thork thought the leader was a different quilboar.[12]

It's also possible, given how the quilboar take over new leadership, that Mangletooth was the chieftain and challenged by Lok who won, leaving Mangletooth for dead. Lok then would have taken over the tribe, leaving Mangletooth wanting revenge.[11]

This could explain how quickly and easily Mangletooth was able to become the chieftain of the tribe after having either escape or released from Camp Taurajo.



External links[]

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