- Recipe: Big Cauldron of Battle
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Teaches you how to make a Big Cauldron of Battle.
- Big Cauldron of Battle
- Binds to Blizzard account
- Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to gain the benefit of a flask appropriate to their class and talents. Cauldron has 30 uses and lasts for 10 min.
- Requires Guild Reputation - Friendly
- 1 Charge
- Sell Price: 62
- Flask of Steelskin (3), Flask of the Draconic Mind (3), Flask of the Winds (3), Flask of Titanic Strength (3)
- Requires Cataclysm Alchemy (75)
Recipe: Big Cauldron of Battle teaches alchemists to create [Big Cauldron of Battle] which is a less expensive way to provide flasks to raid members than creating each flask individually.
Requires Honored Guild Reputation to purchase.
This item is sold by the following vendors for 150 after completing the guild achievement
Better Leveling Through Chemistry:
Shay Pressler in Stormwind City
Nuri in The Exodar
Steeg Haskell in Ironforge
Velia Moonbow in Darnassus
Perry Charlton in Boralus Harbor
Goram in Orgrimmar
Kim Horn in Undercity
Larissia in Silvermoon City
Randah Songhorn in Thunder Bluff
Riha in Shattrath
Mirla Silverblaze in Dalaran
Guild Page
Guild Herald
See also[]
Patch changes[]
Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.