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Inv scroll 06
  • Recipe: Discolored Healing Potion
  • Use: Teaches you how to make a Discolored Healing Potion.
  • 1px transparency
  • Discolored Worg Heart, Peacebloom, Crystal Vial
  • Requires Alchemy (50)
  • Sell Price: 2s 50c

The Recipe: Discolored Healing Potion and sample discolored healing potion are both quest rewards from H [11] Wild Hearts.

The recipe does not bind and can be sold. Since it can only be used by alchemists and anyone can do the quest, it is often sold in the auction house.

The only way for Alliance characters to get it is either directly or indirectly through the neutral auction house.


The discolored healing potion has the same healing properties as Inv potion 50 [Lesser Healing Potion], but requires a slightly higher level to use.

This recipe is a good use for excess Inv misc flower 02 [Peacebloom].

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