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AllianceReclaiming our Defenses
Start Specialist Wembley
End Specialist Wembley
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards Inv cape leather kultirasquest b 01 [Proudmoore Battalion Cloak]
or Inv boots cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Footwraps]
or Inv boots leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Footpads]
or Inv boot mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Treads]
or Inv boot plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Boots]
23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] The Shifting Tides
Next A [30-60] Any Ammo Will Do, A [30-60] Piercing the Shield, A [30-60] Problem Solving with Gunpowder


Save 8 stranded battalion soldiers.


We were holding off the naga up until the latest attack. A few of our forces are still out there.

The tidemaidens seem to be slowly torturing them to death. If you could save as many as you can find, we'd be one step closer to gaining the upper ground again.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv cape leather kultirasquest b 01 [Proudmoore Battalion Cloak] Inv boots cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Footwraps]
Inv boots leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Footpads] Inv boot mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Treads]
Inv boot plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Boots]

You will also receive:


Did you find any of our soldiers?


That should slow down their progress quite a bit. You have my gratitude.


Pick up A [30-60] Eeling in a Big One, A [30-60] Filching from Thieves and A [30-60] Facing the Invaders before heading out.

Head north and start killing everything, including the rare sea giant Seabreaker Skoloth.

After being rescued, they join you as Battalion Soldier guardians for a few seconds.

  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: Their attacks are relentless. Thank you for your help.
  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: You saved my life!
  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: Our village could use more heroes like you!
  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: These naga are monsters!
  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: I thought I was going to die out here!
  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: I should be able to make my way to safety. Thank you.
  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: Avenge those of us who could not be saved.
  • Stranded Battalion Soldier says: I will not forget your bravery.


Optional breadcrumb at Brennadam: A [30-60] Trouble at Fort Daelin, and Deadwash: A [30-60] Helping Out, Somewhere Else, and Beacon Hill: A [30-60] Bauer Backup (Can be accepted together and turned in)

  1. A [30-60] Freedom for the Sea & A [30-60] A Bit of a Bind & A [30-60] Caught in the Net
  2. A [30-60] The Shifting Tides
    • Optional side chain:
    1. A [30-60] Eeling in a Big One & A [30-60] Filching from Thieves
    2. A [30-60] You're a Shark
  3. A [30-60] Facing the Invaders & A [30-60] Reclaiming our Defenses
  4. A [30-60] Any Ammo Will Do & A [30-60] Piercing the Shield & A [30-60] Problem Solving with Gunpowder
  5. A [30-60] A Snake with Three Heads & A [30-60] Clearing the Delta
  6. A [30-60] From the Depths

Outbound breadcrumbs: A [30-60] Back to Brennadam, A [30-60] Surveying the Wharf

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