This item is contained in Red Rocket in Gnomeregan and Scarlet Monastery.
This item can be purchased year-round for 1 from:
- Bithrus <Fireworks Vendor> in Silvermoon City
- Fizzlebang Booms <Fireworks Vendor> in Ironforge
- Darian Singh <Fireworks Vendor> in Stormwind City
- Crazk Sparks <Fireworks Merchant> in Booty Bay
- Dark Iron Entrepreneur <Speciality Goods> in Wetlands
- Skyguard Pyrotechnician in Blade's Edge Mountains
and only during the Midsummer Fire Festival event from:
- Wizbang Booms <Holiday Fireworks Vendor> in Ironforge
- Lillian Singh <Holiday Fireworks Vendor> in Stormwind City
- Kizzak Sparks <Holiday Fireworks Vendor> in Orgrimmar
- Jaxxil Sparks <Holiday Fireworks Vendor> in Ratchet
- Ziggle Sparks <Holiday Fireworks Vendor> in Booty Bay
Patch changes[]
Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): Usage changed.
- The firework used to shoot straight into the air, much like the hunter's flare. Used to read "Use: Shoots a firework into the air that bursts into a thousand red stars."
- The firework used to shoot straight into the air, much like the hunter's flare. Used to read "Use: Shoots a firework into the air that bursts into a thousand red stars."