Red dragon | |
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Domain | Creation, Life |
Breath | Fire |
Major leader(s) |
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Secondary leaders |
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Formerly |
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Racial capital | Valdrakken |
Area(s) |
Homeworld | Azeroth |
Language(s) | Draconic |
Affiliation | Red dragonflight, Valdrakken Accord, Wyrmrest Accord, Titans, Independent |
Formerly | Old Horde (enslaved) |
Status | Active |
“This is my gift: compassion for all living things. A drive to protect and nurture them. And the ability to heal that which others cannot, birth what others may not, and love even the unlovable--who surely need such grace more than any other souls.”
- — Eonar's blessing of the Red Aspect
Red dragons are dragons that have red scales and breath fire that gives both life and death.[1] Their fire can either destroy or bring life. They are led by Alexstrasza the Life-Binder; with most of their race being part of the eponymous red dragonflight. The titan Eonar charged Alexstrasza with protecting life. The red dragons generally wish to protect all life on Azeroth as their queen does, while battling those who wish to do the world harm. In particular, the black dragons and their twilight aberrations served as the red dragon's foremost enemies. Despite their mission, some red dragons hold a mistrust, even animosity, towards mortals because of the events of the Second War.
Many red dragons were enslaved during the Second War by the Dragonmaw clan under Nekros Skullcrusher. Alexstrasza's flight aided the Horde and Alliance against the Scourge during the war against the Lich King, while the mortals aided her against the insane blue dragonflight in the Nexus War. During the events of the Cataclysm, the red dragons spearheaded the assault on the last bastion of Deathwing's flight in the Twilight Highlands storyline.
Life cycle and appearance[]

A red whelp from the Dragonflight expansion.

A red drake from the Dragonflight expansion.

A red dragon from the Dragonflight expansion.
Red dragons, as with all other dragons, go through various life stages before they are fully grown. These stages are divided into whelps, drakes and dragons. Whelps are the children of their kind, while drakes are adolescents and young adults. The oldest of their kind become dragons, though they appear to still grow in some capacity as far older dragons are usually larger than their younger kindred. Traditional dragons look largely the same, akin to an immense lizard with four legs and wings sprouting along their spine. In their youthful stages, whelps seem to exclusively travel by way of flight, with older dragons flying or walking depending on their whims.
Several of these dragons also take unorthodox forms to those traditionally found; such as the wylderdrake and velocidrake. As these are specified as drakes, it is unknown what their 'dragon' forms or whelp forms would look like; though they are presumably just smaller and larger variations of these appearances. With the advent of Zaralek Caverns being discovered; slitherdrakes have also been found baring red scales.
Charge of the Dragonflights[]
According to legends, before the titans departed Azeroth, they charged the greatest species of the world with the task of watching over it. In that age, there were many dragonflights, yet five flights, one of which was the red, held dominion over their brethren and were chosen to shepherd the budding world. The greatest members of the Pantheon imbued a portion of their power upon each of the flights' leaders. Eonar, the titan patron of all life, gave a portion of her power to the red leviathan. Ever after, Alexstrasza would be known as the Life-Binder, and she would work to safeguard all living creatures within the world. Due to her supreme wisdom and limitless compassion for all living things, Alexstrasza was crowned the Dragonqueen and given dominion over her kind.[2]
In truth, in Azeroth's ancient past, the Dragon Aspects proto-dragons stood united against a foe who threatened their entire species: the bloodthirsty Father of Dragons, Galakrond. Alexstrasza was one of the more intelligent of proto-dragons, capable of broken speech unlike most of the other, more animal-like of his kind. Alongside Neltharion, Ysera, Nozdormu, Malygos and the Keeper Tyr, Alexstrasza faced Galakrond and the not-living. After killing Galakrond, Alexstrasza and the others were approached by the other Keepers, and Tyr suggested empowering the proto-dragons to make them defenders of Azeroth, as they proved they were able to stand for the planet. Only Odyn disagreed, and forbid the other Keepers to proceed with that idea, but they decided to go against him. They reached out to the Pantheon and each of the titans blessed the proto-dragons with a portion of their vast power, channeled through the Keepers. They became majestic beings called dragons, and among them, Alexstrasza became the Aspect of Life and the Queen of the dragons while her red dragonflight was charged with the task of watching over all life on Azeroth, lest any force should threaten its perfect tranquility. One of their first acts was to encourage the rumor that the titans created them from Galakrond, to prevent the truth about Galakrond from leaking to ensure no one would follow in the behemoth's footsteps.[3]
The time following this came to be known as the age of dragons when the civilization of dragonkind was at its peak.[4]
War of the Ancients[]
Prior to the War of the Ancients, the red dragonflight resided in a series of large caverns deep inside towering mountains, with hundreds of great gaps in every cliff leading to their realm. The caverns were large enough even for a leviathan like Tyranastrasz to fly through. Alexstrasza's chambers were filled with plants and flowers that should have not been able to grow there, such as roses and orchids.[5] Most of the peaks were high enough to be above the clouds and to have a permanent snow cap.[6]
When the Highborne opened the portal for the Burning Legion through the Well of Eternity, marking the start of the War of the Ancients, all the dragonflights left the Dragon Isles to join the fight against the demons. On the battlefield, Neltharion led the dragon forces, consuming the demons under their fiery breaths, but their strength was not enough. As the other Aspects began to despair, the Black Aspect suggested creating a magical artifact to aid in the destruction of the Legion.[7] The Dragon Queen and the other Aspects had nothing but the utmost respect for wise Neltharion, and they accepted without hesitation his plan to give much of their own essence toward the creation of this object, which was called the Dragon Soul. Neltharion and his flight, however, had secretly refrained from imparting any of their own power. During the time of the Dragon Soul's empowerment, the area where the ritual took place was surrounded by a giant, impenetrable magical barrier as Neltharion didn't want anything or anyone to stop the ritual.[8] This barrier was guarded from the inside by dragons from all flights.[9]

A red dragon killed by the power of the Demon Soul.
When each dragon had contributed a portion of his or her essence to the artifact, Neltharion deemed it complete. The blacks joined the other dragons in flight over the battle and the Black Aspect brought the Dragon Soul to bear against the Legion, with devastating effects on the demonic swarm — but only for a precious few moments. He then shocked his fellow aspects and turned the artifact against the terrified night elves as well, and finally his own brethren. The shocked dragons were helpless to resist the power of the Dragon Soul, for it contained a fraction of the essence of each — with the exception of Neltharion himself. All the dragonflights, save Neltharion's own, were paralyzed in midair until the timely intervention of Korialstrasz, a mate of the red dragonqueen, who had been absent from the initial use of the artifact. While Korialstrasz was no match for the Aspect of Earth, he did manage to interrupt Neltharion's concentration for a moment, freeing the other dragons from their paralysis and allowing them to act. Malygos, infuriated at the betrayal by his ally, struck first, but at a great price. As the blue dragonflight flew into formation to attack Neltharion, the mighty black wyrm unleashed the full fury of the Dragon Soul against them, and the power instantly slew nearly every one of them. As the other dragons turned to act, Neltharion then scattered the hundreds of other assembled dragons before retreating from the field of battle, taking the Dragon Soul with him.[10] Thus Neltharion became Deathwing the Destroyer, the Dragon Soul was renamed the "Demon Soul", and the Dragon Wars begun.
The black dragonflight's actions left their former allies wounded and shocked, and Alexstrasza and the noble dragons were forced to abandon their mortal allies. The dragonflights secluded themselves, hoping to recover from the Dragon Soul's powers, but the damage to the draconic race had been done. The Kaldorei and their allies just barely managed to defeat the Legion, but Azeroth was sundered.[11]
Aftermath of the Sundering[]

The Dragon Aspects Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu blessing Nordrassil.
Deathwing's betrayal was so destructive that the five dragonflights never truly recovered.[11] If that had not been enough, the ensuing war between the dragonflights decimated the species, most of all the blacks, and the reds were no exception. Some dragons call this time period the Dragon Wars, though others including mortals may know it by other names. Even though it was everyone against the black flight, easily outnumbering them, it was incredibly emotionally hard for the dragons because they had to fight their friends and loved ones, people they had known and grown up with.[12] The black dragonflight was hunted down and nearly annihilated,[13] all but slain because of Deathwing's mad plots.[14]
To ensure Deathwing would never hold power over dragonkind again, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu placed an enchantment upon the Demon Soul, so that no dragon could wield it, and hid the foul disc deep beneath the earth.[15] The trio later visited the Night Elven survivors to present the devastated race a gift. Alexstrasza produced a single enchanted acorn, taken from the Mother Tree G'Hanir, and placed it within the new Well of Eternity atop Mount Hyjal. The acorn, activated by the potent, magical waters, sprung to life as a colossal tree whose mighty roots grew from the well's waters, and its verdant canopy seemed to scrape the roof of the sky. The tree also received blessings from Ysera and Nozdormu. It would safeguard the new Well of Eternity from discovery and come to be known as Nordrassil, the World Tree.[16]
War of the Shifting Sands[]
A thousand years before modern times, the red dragons lent their aid to the night elves and the bronze dragonflight during the War of the Shifting Sands. Led by Caelestrasz, a child of Alexstrasza, the reds fought the Silithid and their Qiraji masters furiously and ultimately helped push them back to their city where they were sealed away from the world. The dragons suffered few casualties but the progeny of Alexstrasza, Caelestrasz, was believed lost, having charged deep into Ahn'Qiraj during the final push. After the war, a shard of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands was entrusted to the red wyrm Vaelastrasz by Anachronos the bronze.[17]
Unbeknownst to his flight, Caelestrasz, along with Arygos and Merithra, was not dead, simply captured. The dark master of Ahn'Qiraj used the tortured dragons to power his new creations: Moam and the other Obsidian destroyers.[18]
Second War[]

An attack on an Alliance vessel.

One of the Dragonmaw's enslaved dragons.
During the Second War, Deathwing finally found a way to conquer his greatest rivals. While he couldn't wield the Demon Soul himself it could be placed in the hands of one that would further his agenda.[19] The orc shaman Zuluhed received visions of a powerful artifact deep within the earth and with Doomhammer's permission took his clan to search for their source. Zuluhed took the Demon Soul for the Horde, but while he sensed the disk had the power to raise mountains and evaporate oceans, it was unresponsive to his shamanistic powers. The device was passed down to his lieutenant: the warlock Nekros Skullcrusher, whose magic the disk eagerly reciprocated.[20] The Dragonmaw clan searched for weeks for the dragons, finally spotting a lone wounded red male. They followed the dragon back to the red flight's lair, a high mountain peak, where they came upon the Dragonqueen herself, roosting with three consorts. The Aspect immediately incinerated four orc warriors before Nekros invoked the dark powers of the disk and subdued her. The Demon Soul was used to enslave Alexstrasza and a large portion of her flight.[21]
From capture to escape, an eight year span, Alexstrasza was forced to create more dragons to service the Horde in the war, and she cried for the deaths of her children and the deaths they caused.[22] Two of her consorts did not survive long, one perishing while trying to escape over the sea and the other dying of injuries inflicted by Deathwing, while her fourth and youngest avoided capture altogether. This left Alexstrasza with only her prime consort, Tyranastrasz, to produce dragons with for the orcs.[23] She often tried to defy Nekros, but the act of breaking one or more eggs in her presence assured her good behavior. The red dragonflight, once one of the strongest and proudest flights of dragons ever seen, were reduced to being the Horde's war dogs.[24] The Horde quickly learned how to utilize the great leviathans, and they were forced to wreak havoc throughout the lands of the Alliance,[25] committing destructive acts such as setting the forests of Quel'Thalas ablaze,[26] and the complete destruction of the third fleet of Kul Tiras.[25] Those red dragons who were becoming too powerful to be properly controlled were slain on the spot by the Dragonmaw orcs.[27] The Alliance responded to the dragons with dwarven gryphon riders, the two often meeting in the dogfights over Lordaeron and Khaz Modan. Throughout most of the Second War, and even a few years after its end, the settlements of the Alliance lived in constant fear of coming under attack by red dragons.
Outraged, many of the red dragons who had avoided capture wanted to make war against all the lesser races but her youngest consort, Korialstrasz, disguised as the mage Krasus of the Kirin Tor, sought a way to free his mate.[28]
Battle of Grim Batol[]

Alexstrasza breaks free of Nekros Skullcrusher.
Despite the Horde's defeat at the end of the Second War, the Dragonmaw Clan retained a firm grip on Grim Batol and Alexstrasza. Korialstrasz approached the other Aspects for assistance, but was continually rebuffed time after time. Using his guise of Krasus, a member of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, he set a plan into motion. He sent his apprentice Rhonin on a secret mission to Grim Batol.
When Nekros believed the Alliance planned on invading, he had Alexstrasza and her eggs moved out of the mountain fortress and began a march towards Dun Algaz where he believed the bulk of the Dragonmaw Clan was stationed. Little did he know he had been manipulated by Deathwing, who desired Alexstrasza's eggs out in the open to steal them more easily. When Deathwing appeared Nekros sent Tyranastrasz to face him, but the old red did not last long against the dark aspect. Deathwing began stealing Alexstrasza's eggs only to be stalled by the sudden arrival of the other Aspects, who proceeded to battle Deathwing in the sky near Grim Batol. Korialstrasz's human apprentice, Rhonin, defeated Nekros and used one of Deathwing's scales to destroy the Demon Soul. The destruction of the artifact released the ancient power that had been sealed inside for millennia, making the Aspects whole once more and allowing them to overpower Deathwing and force his retreat. This final battle was known as the Battle of Grim Batol.[29]
Alexstrasza swore an oath of friendship to Rhonin, Vereesa, Falstad, and their respective races.[29] With their queen returned to them, the remaining members of the red dragonflight came out of hiding and reassumed their ancient charge of defending the wild things of the world. One of their first actions was to station guardians outside their queen's former prison.[30]
Third War[]
Like the other dragonflights, the red dragonflight did not play any significant role in the events of the Third War. Many red dragons however, still remained slaves of the Blackrock clan in the Alterac Mountains. These members of the red flight were used by the orcs to vainly fight against the Scourge, led by Arthas Menethil and Kel'thuzad, who were seeking control of the clan's functional Demon Gate.[31] The Horde Warchief Thrall also came across a red dragon being attacked by harpies in the depths of the Stonetalon Mountains. The dragon had in his possession the Heart of Aszune, needed by the Warchief to access the lair of the Oracle.[32]
The Sunwell[]
Following the Third War, which had ravaged the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and cost the high elves their fabled Sunwell, Korialstrasz took it upon himself to gather the remaining energy of the well and transform it into a living avatar in the form of Anveena Teague. When the traitorous Dar'Khan Drathir tried to claim her power as his own, Korialstrasz intervened, only to be subjected to Dar'Khan's mind control. The blue dragon Tyrygosa engaged Korialstrasz in battle while Kalecgos and his allies managed to defeat the traitorous elf, free Korialstrasz, and safeguard the energy of the Sunwell.[33]
World of Warcraft[]

Red dragonspawn guarding the Dragonmaw Gates.
For ten thousand years, Deathwing's fellow Dragon Aspects had lived without the full measure of their power, and the sudden return of their strength was physically and mentally exhausting. Needing to recover from this and her traumatic ordeal under the Dragonmaw, Alexstrasza and her flight sequestered themselves away to heal, both physically and emotionally.[34] As such, even as her consorts and children continued to have their impact on Azeroth, Alexstrasza's whereabouts were unknown to most, though Tyrande Whisperwind seemed to know where she resided at the time.[35] In the aftermath of the Third War, the new Archdruid Fandral Staghelm asked her to bless the new World Tree Teldrassil, but the Dragonqueen refused.[36]
In the Eastern Kingdoms, the red dragonflight had a strong presence at Alexstrasza's old prison, Grim Batol. Their guardianship of the fortress could be seen, with legions of dragonspawn and the drake-champion Axtroz stationed outside at the Dragonmaw Gates. Further down the mountain, the remains of the orcish caravan teamed with newly hatched red whelps. They were later targeted by a Horde adventurer sent by the black drake Emberstrife.[37]
In the Blackrock Spire, the red dragon Vaelastrasz was secretly working against Nefarian. He assisted adventurers to fight against the Dark Horde and their black dragonflight allies.[38][39] Upon breaching Blackwing Lair, Vaelastrasz succumbed to Nefarian's sorcery and the Red Scepter Shard was taken from him. Vaelastrasz asked his allies to put him out of his misery and to retrieve his shard, so that the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj could be opened.[40]
In Kalimdor, Belnistrasz was captured by the Scourge inside Razorfen Downs while investigating their presence. After being rescued, he asked the adventurers to assist him in shutting down the quilboars' operation there.[41] In the Badlands, the high elf Garek, mortal servant of the red dragon Korialstrasz,[42] spied on the black dragonflight and searched for assistance in slaying the twin black drakes, Blacklash and Hematus.[43]
In the beginning of the Ahn'Qiraj War, the son of Alexstrasza, Caelestrasz, thought to have been lost during the War of the Shifting Sands, was found to be alive inside Ahn'Qiraj, along with the dragons Arygos and Merithra as slaves of C'Thun. The red dragon Kandrostrasz came to Ahn'Qiraj after sensing his trapped brethren within, but he did not dare to enter the temple from fear of falling under the Old God's control.[44] During the conflict, Alliance and Horde heroes managed to liberate Caelestrasz,[45] and after they killed C'Thun, were sent by the red dragon to give the Eye of C'Thun to Anachronos in the Caverns of Time.[46]
Second Battle of Grim Batol[]
Over a decade after Deathwing's defeat at the Battle of Grim Batol, the red dragonkin forces stationed outside the cursed fortress since the release of their queen, started falling ill, some even dying. A few went mad and had to be put down by their brothers and sisters. The red flight finally did as many others had done before them and abandoned the dark fortress of Grim Batol,[47] unaware of the black dragon Sinestra deep within. Korialstrasz sensed something happening deep within the mountain and returned to Grim Batol to find the black consort in the midst of creating the twilight dragonflight. Ultimately, thanks to Korialstrasz's allies, the sacrifice of the nether dragon Zzeraku, and the anger felt by Dargonax towards his "mother", Sinestra and her creation were defeated. The mountain was once again abandoned, unaware to anyone that Deathwing lurked still deeper within.[48]
Wrath of the Lich King[]

The Wyrmrest Temple, base of operations of the Wyrmrest Accord in the Dragonblight.

The Ruby Dragonshrine.

The red dragons burning the Scourge and the New Plague at Angrathar the Wrathgate.
During the war against the Lich King, many members of the red dragonflight, led by Alexstrasza and her prime consort Korialstrasz, could be found at Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragonblight. They had to face the Scourge who began to besiege the surrounding dragonshrines in an effort to raise new variations of undead dragons. Consequently, the red flight actively recruited heroes to aid Ceristrasz and Vargastrasz in arresting these invasions at the Ruby Dragonshrine.[49]
Having awoken from madness, the Aspect of Magic, Malygos, assessed that magic had run amok on Azeroth and that it had to be reined in, declaring the Nexus War on all mortal spellcasters. He then began redirecting ley lines to the Nexus, with disastrous consequences, splintering the world's crust and opening up unstable rifts.[50] The blue's increasingly militaristic methods were condemned by the red dragonflight, who vowed to neutralize Malygos at all costs. To this end, they formed a council with the Kirin Tor, and the two groups began actively subverting Malygos's devastating campaign.[50] When the blues dared attack Wyrmrest Temple, the reds called upon the remaining dragonflights for assistance, creating the Wyrmrest Accord.[49]
With the Nexus War in full swing, the red dragonflight set up at Amber Ledge in the Borean Tundra, where they worked with the Kirin Tor to repel Malygos's forces. The red dragon Surristrasz even allowed the mages to ride his drakes into battle. From there the red flight sent adventurers to the Transitus Shield, a hidden camp deep inside the blue's ancient home of Coldarra.[51] On the island, the red dragon Keristrasza was incarcerated within one of the blue dragonflight's augmented arcane prisons, as she refused to bow before the Aspect of Magic.[52] After being released, she aided her rescuers by luring Malygos's consort, Saragosa, to her death.[53] However, she was later captured by Malygos and taken into the Nexus to serve as his unwilling consort, driving her into madness through torture and the use of magical runes.[54] Another red dragon named Belgaristrasz was also taken prisoner in the Oculus,[55] he was later freed by the heroes and helped them to kill the agents of Malygos in the Nexus.[56][57]
At the end of the conflict, Alexstrasza and the other Aspects saw no way to end the senseless violence other than destroying Malygos. In the Eye of Eternity, the Spellweaver was finally confronted in his realm where he was slain by the heroes and members of the Accord.[58]
At some point, Korialstrasz discovered a clutch of twilight dragonflight eggs within the Obsidian Sanctum. The Red dragonflight asked the Council of Six to send adventurers to destroy them quickly. Not long after, all communication with the guardians in the Ruby Sanctum ceased. The guards stationed at the portal were slain, and the mystic stones shattered. A black dragonflight war party, led by twilight dragon Halion invaded the red sanctum killing all red dragonkin inside, except Sanctum Guardian Xerestrasza.[59] Consequently, heroes were sent by Xerestrasza to kill Halion and the invaders.[60]
At the end of the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, while the New Plague of Grand Apothecary Putress spread on the battlefield, a party of red dragons left Wyrmrest Temple, heading towards Angrathar the Wrathgate. Upon arriving, the dragons breathed flames over the battlefield itself, cleansing it of the deadly plague, and destroyed the remaining catapults and forces loyal to Putress nearby. After completing their mission, they once again departed and returned to the temple some distance away.
The Nightmare[]
During the War Against the Nightmare, Alexstrasa provided desperately needed assistance to High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind in her efforts to rescue Malfurion Stormrage from the Nightmare Lord, as even her own consort Korialstrasz fell victim to the Emerald Nightmare, becoming one of the Unwaking.
After their victory against the Nightmare, Alexstrasza, along with her sister Ysera, presided over Malfurion and Tyrande's marriage ceremony. Immediately after, the two Aspects blessed the new world tree Teldrassil as they had done to Nordrassil ten thousand years before, a blessing which protected Teldrassil to its final day.[61]

The Battle of Life and Death.

The Vermillion Redoubt in the Twilight Highlands.

The Dragon Aspects facing Deathwing.
Following the Cataclysm, and the return of Deathwing, the red dragonflight once again allied with the other flights and the mortal races of Azeroth to confront the black and twilight dragonflights, the Twilight's Hammer, and their Old Gods masters in the shadows.
In the Twilight Highlands, full-out warfare has erupted in the Twilight Highlands between the black dragonflight and the red dragonflight. The Red dragonkin roosted at the wonderous Vermillion Redoubt have come under attack by Twilight drakes. The Black dragonkin roosted at the Obsidian Forest were constantly under attack by the red flight led by Velastrasza and Tederastrasz.[62][63] The broodmother Obsidia, one of the last mature and breeding black dragons, was targeted by the dragonspawn Baleflame who sent adventurers to slay her within her lair.[64] Even the mighty Aspects themselves, Deathwing and Alexstrasza, become engaged in the battle over Grim Batol, as the Dragon Queen decided that the black dragonflight could not be saved and should be totally destroyed.[65][66]
Outside the Bastion of Twilight, the red dragon Lirastrasza launched her own aggressive campaign against the Twilight's Hammer,[67] while inside, the son of Alexstrasza Caelestrasz, sacrificed himself during the battle against Sinestra, giving the adventurers enough strength to finally vanquish the last consort of Deathwing.[68]
In the Burning Steppes, Acridostrasz replaced Vaelastrasz in the red flight's infiltration of the Dark Horde, in order to save the Dragon whelps captured for the experiments of Nefarian in the Blackrock Spire.[69] In return for their help, Acridostrasz aided the Alliance and Horde forces in stopping the black dragonflight and the Blackrock orcs from invading Redridge Mountains.[70]
In Kalimdor, the red dragon Koristrasza traveled to the Razorfen Downs to investigate why the Scourge's activity there continued in spite of the Lich King's defeat.[71] With the help of adventurers, she managed to defeat the undead leader Amnennar the Coldbringer and began to purge the Razorfen Downs with her flames.[72]
At some point, the ambitious red dragon Rheastrasza traveled to the Badlands to research a way to purify the black dragonflight. She captured the black dragon Nyxondra, and forced her to lay eggs for the experiments, in hopes of laying an uncorrupted black dragon egg.[73] Eventually, Rheastrasza and Dr. Hieronymus Blam succeeded in creating a purified black dragon egg but she was killed by Deathwing soon after, who was after the egg.[74] However, the purified egg was hidden under the care of Corastrasza in Vermillion Redoubt.[75][76] Six months later, the egg was stolen by the assassins of Ravenholdt. Consequently, the red dragonflight sent the red drake Mostrasz and a rogue adventurer to find it. The trail led them to Ravenholdt Manor,[76][77] where it was revealed that Wrathion has hatched.[78] As the only pure member of his dragonflight, Wrathion decided that it was his mission to make sure that all his corrupted brothers and sisters must be destroyed. He introduced himself to Mostrasz as his former prisoner, and ordered him to serve as a messenger to his flight, announcing that he was free from his father's corruption, that he intended to remain free, and that this warning was the first and the last.[79]
Some time after the Cataclysm, the red dragons convened upon Wyrmrest Temple to have their first meeting since the death of Malygos. Not particularly liked by many of the blues, Korialstrasz chose to stay behind to watch his newest clutch of eggs in the Ruby Sanctum. However, he discovered Twilight Hammer's cultists casting dark spells on the eggs, and after confronting them, saw that they had mutated the hatchlings into deformed chromatic dragons. When he touched a mutated egg, the infection passed on to him, and he learned that every flight's eggs, in each sanctum, were infected. In his last moments, Korialstrasz summoned every ounce of his power and exploded, utterly obliterating the sanctums with the thousands of corrupted eggs. While his death and apparent betrayal were a shock to the other dragonflights, Alexstrasza suffered the most. In sadness bordering on madness, she shattered the Wyrmrest Accord and fled to Desolace, waiting for death. Later, Thrall had a vision where he saw the truth behind Korialstrasz's actions, and brought the news to Alexstrasza, who rejoined the fight against Chromatus with renewed purpose to not let her love's sacrifice be in vain.[80]
At the end of the war against Deathwing, Deathwing and his black and twilight dragons, aided by his Old God benefactors, laid siege to Wyrmrest Temple. The remaining Aspects, their flights, and the world shaman Thrall agreed upon a course of action and fought to bring the Dragon Soul to bear against the Destroyer. All of them charged the artifact with their powers, and managed to destroy the Black Aspect once and for all before he could unleash a second cataclysm to destroy the world. However, the Aspects lost their immortality in the process and condemned their flight to no longer being able to reproduce. With all the dragonflights weakened, the Dragon Queen announced the beginning of the Age of Mortals.
Following the death of the Black Aspect, the red dragonflight attacked Ravenholdt Manor to kill Wrathion, but the latter managed to survive and killed Mostrasz himself. After the battle, the Black Prince announced that he would never be controlled, and that the red dragonflight had no idea what they unleashed when they had experimented on his egg.[81]
Warlords of Draenor[]
During the war in Draenor, Koristrasza entered once again in the Razorfen Downs, as Death Speaker Blackthorn a ritual to bring back Amnennar the Coldbringer from the dead.[82] As her previous attempt was not fully completed, she accompanied the adventurers and aided them personally to kill Blackthorn and Amnennar. After the battle, she took the lich's phylactery to the red dragonflight in order to find a way for its destruction.[83]
During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Deathlord of the Ebon Blade was sent by the Lich King to the regrown[84] Ruby Sanctum to obtain information on a great dragon skeleton north of Icecrown. Bolvar gave the Deathlord the choice of either sparing some dragons within or slaying them all. No matter their choice, the red dragons were aggressive to the Deathlord regardless.[85] The whelps that resided within the regrown Sanctum were the very last red whelps there would ever be.[86]
Battle for Azeroth[]
During the Fourth War, Alexstrasza tasked Zallestrasza with ensuring that the bones of the dragon Vadekius, who died in Drustvar many centuries ago, could not be risen. The reds did not wish for a repeat of the horrible events at the Ruby Sanctum with the Ebon Blade. The death knight Danir Emberlight attempted to raise Vadekius to be his mount, but he was fought off by an adventurer aiding Zallestrasza.[87]
Following the liberation of N'Zoth, Vexiona led an army of Twilight dragonspawn and drakes to the Vermillion Redoubt, trying to corrupt or entice red dragons to join her cause.[88]

Alexstrasza and all the dragonflights returning to the Dragon Isles after ten thousand years.
When the Dragon Isles were uncovered, Alexstrasza and her flight felt the call to home and returned to the isles after ten thousand years.[89] In the face of Raszageth's awakening and the possibility of the other Primal Incarnates being unleashed, Alexstrasza declared that they must reclaim their Aspect powers, and that their dragonflights must be made anew.[90]
The Dragon Queen sent Majordomo Selistra to serve as her emissary to the arriving Horde and Alliance adventurers to the isles, with instructions to escort them to her at the Life Pools.[91] However, the Life Pools came under attack by Raszageth and her Primalists, and Alexstrasza ordered her flight to protect the eggs, before she flew off to personally confront Raszageth.[92] As they clashed, she pleaded with Raszageth to see reason, to stop the fighting so they could have peace. However, Raszageth refused, pushed the blame for the war solely on the Aspects' shoulders, and wounded Alexstrasza, who found herself saved by Wrathion. An amused Raszageth decided to leave the pair, as she wanted Alexstrasza to watch as everything she cared for was destroyed before killing her.[93]
After being informed of the safety of the eggs by Selistra, Alexstrasza offered her gratitude to Wrathion, who was quick to recruit her flight's aid in claiming the Obsidian Citadel from the djaradin. But she refused and explained that her flight had to remain at the Life Pools to safeguard their future. The Black Prince questioned if it was the dragon's future or her flight that she sought to safeguard, and subsequently departed, determined to claim the citadel with only the aid of his Blacktalon.[94] Concerned for Wrathion, she enlisted adventurers to aid him in her stead, while she focused on protecting the new generation of dragonkind.[95]
Notable members[]
- Main article: Red dragonflight members

Alexstrasza the Life-Binder.
Name | Type | Role | Status | Location |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Aspect | Aspect of the red dragonflight, Aspect of Life, Queen of all dragons and leader of the Wyrmrest Accord and the Valdrakken Accord. | Alive | Various Locations |
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Dragon | Last prime consort of Alexstrasza, member of the Council of Six as Krasus, sacrificed himself to halt the Twilight's Hammer. | Deceased | Various Locations |
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Dragon | Commander of Wyrmrest Temple's defenses, led the retaking of the temple during its siege. | Alive | Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight |
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Dragonspawn | Leader of the red dragonspawn forces at Vermillion Redoubt, in the Twilight Highlands. | Alive | Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands |
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Dragon | Red dragon who helped kill Saragosa, but was later captured and forced by Malygos to become his new consort. | Deceased | Axis of Alignment, The Nexus |
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Drake | Majordomo of Alexstrasza on the Dragon Isles. | Alive | Waking Shores, Dragon Isles |
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Dragon | Majordomo to the ruling council of the Wyrmrest Accord and right hand of Alexstrasza. | Alive | Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight |
In the RPG[]
Many members of the red flight still remain distrustful towards mortals, especially the orcs, citing they have brought only danger and death to the world.[96] For the most part, it was the representatives of the flight near Grim Batol who acted strangely hostile to any outsiders.[97]

A red dragon from Manual of Monsters.
Red dragons once ruled as lords over all dragonkind. This nobility is reflected in every aspect of a red dragon, from its proud demeanor to its aura — one that inspires awe. It is as debilitating as the terrifying presence that other dragons possess, except that it overwhelms with a beatific aura.
Red dragons exemplify the serenity of life and nature. Legends hold that the earth is renewed wherever a red dragon walks upon the earth or burns the soil with its flaming breath. Although they use fire to protect and punish, the flames always give way to new life.
Age cycle[]
Red whelps are the youngest of red dragonkind. Scales resembling solid flame glisten on the small dragon's form. Although not great in size, she nevertheless has wicked claws, and her fangs are visible as she turns her head. Though clearly a predatory creature, the glint of wisdom and kindness shines in her eyes. These hatchlings are highly intelligent; unless newborn, they know enough about humanoid creatures to be friendly even when first encountered. They are suspicious of orcs, and avoid them if possible, due to the Horde's previous enslavement of the red flight. Those red whelps raised near Grim Batol are more aggressive due to the events that occurred there (and possibly for other reasons connected to the contents of the fortress).
Red whelps flee combat if alone or clearly overwhelmed. If they are with a group, older whelps attack in order to give the younger children a chance to retreat; red dragons invariably put their own health and wellbeing second to that of a friend or loved one, even at this young age.
Red whelps speak Common and Draconic.[98]
Red drakes are the adults of the red dragonflight, and most are fully grown at this stage. Once friends to nearly every living creature, red dragons are now much more suspicious, tending to seek only the company of their own kind. The capture of the Dragonqueen and the accompanying loss of a great number of their flight has left reds crippled, but not defeated. Although many reds feel they owe a debt of gratitude to the Alliance for its assistance in Alexstrasza's rescue, others distrust all mortals, noting that even the night elves once brought danger and death to the world. Generally, though, red dragons are friendly to humans, elves, and their other traditional friends and allies; for the most part, it is the representatives of the flight near Grim Batol who are strangely hostile to any outsiders. Red drakes typically consider the various Horde races to be enemies, with the possible exception of tauren, whom they respect for their druidic abilities.
This dragon has a lithe frame; though large, the crimson drake is graceful and noble in form. The fiery horns atop the dragon's skull resemble a crown upon the head of a worthy king. Golden orbs scrutinize every motion, obviously judging whether one might be friend or foe.
Red drakes are honorable and always fight on equitable terms if battling honorable or worthy opponents. For instance, they sacrifice their aerial advantage if their enemies meet them fairly on the ground. They quickly dispense with honor when facing those they consider dishonorable, however; such beings are to be expunged with every instinct and ability that red dragons possess. Red drakes use flame to entrap enemies and force them into difficult terrain, using their aerial advantage for greater mobility. They seek to destroy an opposing force's leadership first, ruining its command structure and hopefully setting the younger or less experienced combatants to flight. Like younger reds, drakes willingly put themselves at risk to protect a companion (or even more so, their eggs).
Red drakes speak Common and Draconic, and some speak other languages.[99]
Red dragons society[]
Alexstrasza in Shadows & Light.
The red flight was once charged with the protection of all living things on Azeroth. In time, their vision became clouded. Humanoid races were in an uprising, and some red dragons insisted that they must make war upon them to protect the wilderness. Others believed that the mortal races could be allies to help in bettering the world. This led to a great schism within the red flight that has never been repaired. When their Aspect, Alexstrasza, went missing, the red dragons scattered in order to find her. Deathwing and his black flight took this opportunity to attack the leaderless, scattered red flight. They fought back against the black flight and forced a detente, but doing so caused delays in looking for Alexstrasza. They soon found out that orcs held the Dragonqueen, and even were using the new generations of red dragons in the Second War. Soon, mortals helped free Alexstrasza, and the red flight resumed its ancient charge of defending Azeroth.
- The dragon's scaled hide shimmers in the sun like countless rubies. Its long neck is a graceful arc as its noble, ridged head takes in the surroundings. Its golden eyes gleam with great wisdom.[100]
The term "red dragon" may refer to a member of the species regardless of age, or more specifically in place of "mature" to describe the adult phase of a red dragon's lifecycle, between adolescence and becoming a wyrm. They are 100-500 years old.[101] Red dragons are associated with fire.
Red dragons are honorable and fight on even terms if battling honorable or worthy opponents. They will sacrifice their aerial advantage if they are met fairly on the ground. The red dragon's wrath, however, dispenses with honor when facing those they consider dishonorable — any evil creatures, as well as orcs. Such beings are to be expunged with every instinct and ability that red dragons possess. Red dragons prefer to use flame to entrap enemies and force them to difficult terrain, using their aerial advantage for greater mobility. They prefer to destroy an opposing force's leadership first, ruining its power structure and hopefully setting the younger or less experienced combatants to flight.[102]
Prior to the War of the Ancients the red dragons were numerous and co-existed peacefully with the other dragonflights, working together to safeguard their world. But this age would not last forever.[103]
During the Second War, the reds who had avoided capture by the orcs were initially bewildered to find their queen had gone missing. The flight scattered to search for her, becoming easy prey for the vicious Deathwing and his black dragonflight. Isolated, leaderless, and confused, the reds fought back as best they could. When the blacks had been sufficiently pushed back the reds resumed their search and found the orcs were responsible for Alexstrasza and the rest of the flight's disappearance and were using her offspring as pawns in the Second War.[104]
Eventually, all but a few members of the red dragonflight were freed from the Dragonmaw Clan's control.[105]
Guardians were placed outside Grim Batol under the leadership of the wyrm Garshilan, assisted by the eager young dragon Acridistrasz, the dragonspawn flametongue captain Baleflame,[106] and legions of red dragonspawn eager to guard the remnants of the red dragonflight.[107] Explorer Brann Bronzebeard managed to speak with Acridistrasz and was told the reds were "guarding a secret that living creatures are not meant to know."[106]
Following the Battle of Mount Hyjal, red dragons were stationed at Hyjal Summit, where they, along with the blues, greens, and bronzes, guarded the World Tree from another attack by the remnants of the Burning Legion in Darkwhisper Gorge.[108][109] In addition red and green dragons were sent to Sunwell Grove to investigate and safeguard the remains of the Sunwell.[110]
As a mount[]
[Reins of the Red Drake] is purchasable from Cielstrasza. You must be exalted with The Wyrmrest Accord to buy it for 2000
[Life-Binder's Handmaiden] is a drop from Madness of Deathwing on Heroic difficulty.
[Reins of the Blazing Drake] is a drop form Madness of Deathwing on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Dragonriding drakes can be given red scales if one reaches renown 22 with the Dragonscale Expedition.
As a companion pet[]
[Tiny Crimson Whelpling] is an extremely rare drop from mobs in the Wetlands.

Generic dragon from the Warcraft II Manual.
- In Warcraft II the dragon mounts used by the Horde were green, the broodmothers were grey and they were all simply dragons, as the storyline had not yet been expanded to include the dragonflights, different colors and their backstory. It was not until Day of the Dragon that they were referred to as Red dragons.
- Their description during the Warcraft III beta was as such: "Ruled by the mighty Dragon queen, Alextrasza[sic], the Red Dragons exemplify the grace and serenity of life and nature. Though the Orcs captured the Dragon queen and raised her whelps as living weapons during the Second War, the Red Dragon flight has since regained its former power and sworn to uphold its ancient charge of defending the wild things of the world. Though noble and wise, Red Dragons are terrible enemies when their wrath is incurred. Their destructive, fiery breath is feared by all races - the Orcs in particular."[111]
- Through a focused ritual that can't be interrupted, red dragons can permanently prevent the remains of the dead from being reanimated unto undeath, such as what death knights are able to do.[112]
- Shades of red are often used when describing these dragons, such as "ruby" and "crimson".
- Unlike the other dragon colors, there has never been an evil or antagonistic red dragon portrayed in World of Warcraft. While there have been red dragon bosses, they have largely been corrupted to do the bidding of another master; usually another dragon such as Vaelastrasz and Keristrasza.
Red dragon eggs shown second from left in Dragonflight.
Alexstrasza (old model) in World of Warcraft.
A Red dragon in Warcraft III.
A Red Dragon Roost in Warcraft III.
A red dragon in Warcraft III: Reforged.
Alexstrasza in the Trading Card Game.
On Ruby Wings in the TCG.
Vustrasz the Ancient in Hearthstone.
Sleepy Dragon in Hearthstone.
Crowd Roaster in Hearthstone.
Dragonrider Brann on a red dragon in Hearthstone.
Evasive Wyrm in Hearthstone.
Call to Arms in Hearthstone.
Dragon's Fury in Hearthstone.
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza in Heroes of the Storm.
Alexstrasza in Warcraft Adventures.
- Red drakes
Life-Binder's Handmaiden and Blazing Drake in Cataclysm appear similar to Alexstrasza.
Red and blue drake in the cinematic Take to the Skies.
Ruby Emissary in the Trading Card Game.
Red drake icon from Warcraft III: Reforged.
- Red whelps
Red whelp with the Dragonflight model.
Red whelp icon from Warcraft III: Reforged.
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 76
- ^ Charge of the Dragonflights
- ^ Dawn of the Aspects
- ^ The Well of Eternity, pg. 193
- ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 13
- ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 16
- ^ Legacies Chapter Two
- ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 12
- ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 16
- ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 21
- ^ a b The War of the Ancients
- ^
[60-62] Stay a While
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual, pg. 138
- ^ The Well of Eternity, pg. 245
- ^ The Sundering, pg. 346 - 347
- ^ The World Tree and the Emerald Dream
- ^ The War of the Shifting Sands
- ^ Monsters of Ahn'Qiraj#Moam
- ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 359 - 360
- ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 53
- ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 137-138
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual, pg. 66
- ^ Day of the Dragon, 58
- ^ Day of the Dragon, 57
- ^ a b Day of the Dragon, 4
- ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 224-232
- ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Orc Buildings, Dragon Roost
- ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 39 - 42
- ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter "19-21": pg. 321-68
- ^
[60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz
- ^ "Path of the Damned: Blackrock & Roll, Too!", Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Blizzard Entertainment.
- ^ "Invasion of Kalimdor: The Oracle", Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Blizzard Entertainment.
- ^ Ghostlands, chapter 6
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 25
- ^ Unfinished Business
- ^
[11] Crown of the Earth
- ^
[60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz
- ^
[60D] Seal of Ascension
- ^
[60D] Seal of Ascension
- ^ Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
- ^
[44D] Scourge of the Downs
- ^
[43] Tremors of the Earth
- ^
[50] Tremors of the Earth
- ^
[30R] Mortal Champions
- ^
[30R] C'Thun's Legacy
- ^
[30R] The Savior of Kalimdor
- ^ Night of the Dragon, pg. 10
- ^ Night of the Dragon, pg, 319
- ^ a b Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Features/Zones#Dragonblight
- ^ a b Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Features/The Nexus
- ^
[10-30] Traversing the Rift
- ^
[10-30] Keristrasza
- ^
[10-30] Saragosa's End
- ^ Keristrasza (tactics)
- ^
[20-30D] The Struggle Persists
- ^
[20-30D] A Unified Front
- ^
[20-30D] A Wing and a Prayer
- ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, pg. 19
- ^ Underdev/Patch 3.3.5: The Ruby Sanctum
- ^
[30R] The Twilight Destroyer
- ^ @Loreology, Twitter, July 28, 2014. Archive lore tweets from loreology.
- ^
[30-35] A Fitting End
- ^
[30-35] Blackout
- ^
[30-35] Last of Her Kind
- ^
[30-35] Enter the Dragon Queen
- ^
[30-35] Battle of Life and Death
- ^
[30-35] Coup de Grace
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 211
- ^
[15-30] A Deal With a Dragon
- ^
[20-30D] Trolls, Ogres, and Orcs, Oh My!
- ^
[15-30D] Looming Threat
- ^
[46D] The Coldbringer
- ^
[15-30] Third Sample: Implanted Eggs
- ^
[15-30] Rheastrasza's Gift
- ^
[15-30] The Egg Lives On
- ^ a b
[35] A Hidden Message
- ^
[35] To Ravenholdt
- ^
[35] To Catch a Thief
- ^
[35] Our Man in Gilneas
- ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
- ^
[35] Patricide
- ^
[15-30D] Blackthorn's Lieutenants
- ^
[15-30D] The Ritual
- ^ Jeremy Feasel on Twitter: "As Senegos mentined, the whelps in the regrown Ruby Sanctum are the last red whelps ever. Will you slay them for 0 achievement points?"
- ^
[45] Draconic Secrets
- ^ Jeremy Feasel official post
- ^
[20-60] Life Preserver
- ^
[50] In the Shadow of Crimson Wings
- ^ 2022-04-20, WORLD OF WARCRAFT: DRAGONFLIGHT INTERVIEW WITH JACKIE WILEY AND TINA WANG. Blizzplanet, retrieved on 2022-04-22
- ^ A Tempest Unleashed
- ^
[60-62] The Djaradin Have Awoken
- ^
[60-62] Who Brought the Ruckus?
- ^ The Storm-Eater's Fury - Raszageth Confronts Alexstrasza | Dragonflight In-game Cinematic [SPOILERS]
- ^
[60-62] Exeunt, Triumphant
- ^
[60-62] Wrathion Awaits
- ^ Dark Factions, pg. 147
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 47
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 46
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 47
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 37
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 38
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 37 - 38
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 39
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 37
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 80
- ^ a b Lands of Conflict, pg. 73
- ^ Dark Factions, pg. 6
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 17
- ^ Dark Factions, pg. 146
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 114
- ^ Creeps
- ^
[20-60] Life Preserver