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Shield draenorcrafted d 02 c alliance
  • Regenerating Barrier of the Depths
  • Rank 3
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Use: Infuse your Heart of Azeroth with Aegis of the Deep.
  • Requires Level 120

The Regenerating Barrier of the Depths can be purchased for 50 Inv misc enchantedpearlf [Prismatic Manapearl]s from the following vendors in Nazjatar after reaching Revered with their respective faction:

Only classes with a tank specialization can purchase it. Infusing the item at the Heart Forge will grant Rank 3 of the Spell azerite essence11 [Aegis of the Deep] Essence and leave behind a Ability warrior safeguard [Crumbling Barrier].


  1. Inv shield pvpcataclysms3 c 02 [Depth Forged Aegis]
  2. Inv shield draenorcrafted d 01 b alliance [Enduring Bulwark of the Depths]
  3. Regenerating Barrier of the Depths
  4. Inv shield 74 [Resplendent Bastion of the Depths]

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