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Ability mount jungletiger
  • Reins of the Bengal Tiger
  • Binds when picked up
  • Mount
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
  • Alliance Only
  • Requires Apprentice Riding
Reins of the Bengal Tiger

Reins of the Bengal Tiger

The Reins of the Bengal Tiger summoned a Tiger mount during World of Warcraft alpha testing. In 2009, Blizzard customer service responded to a thread on this item by confirming that it was not currently available.[1]

It was later granted to Amara, the player behind the Riddle of Jenafur, as part of a Make-A-Wish gift.[2][3] Amara's is the only copy of this mount in the game.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Malkorix 2009-08-03. Reins of the Bengal Tiger.​ “This mount is not currently available in the World of Warcraft, but it could be possible that we'd add a mount like this in the future.[dead link]
  2. ^ Heather Newman 2020-09-30. PCGamesN - World of Warcraft's hardest puzzle, a Make-A-Wish teen, and her cat.
  3. ^ Perculia 2020-11-15. Wowhead - Story of the Reins of the Bengal Tiger.

External links[]

Item Spell