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Relics of the Outcasts

Relics of the Outcasts

Crates of Relics of the Outcasts are found at most of the Arakkoa Outcasts camps in Spires of Arak. Each chest requires a bit of a jumping puzzle to get close enough to open up the chest. Each chest contains 40-50 Arakkoa Archaeology Fragments and may contain an Inv relics 6orunestone arakkoacipher [Arakkoa Cipher].

Skettis [43.0, 16.4]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
From where the Inv potion 122 [Elixir of Shadow Sight] in Skettis was found (at [43.9, 15.0]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip, jump west onto the north-south wall and walk south to the east-west rope connected to the other wall. Tightrope walk across the rope to the other side, jump up onto the wall, and loot the chest
Veil Terokk [46.0, 44.2]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
From where the treasure chest is in the tree, backtrack along the rope to the east. A few yards away from where the rope starts, there's a hill that can be used to jump into the tree/rope area. Do so while mounted, then dismount and get the camera closer to first-person view to tightrope walk along the rope all the way over to the chest
Veil Akraz [43.2, 27.3]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
Starting at the southeast end of Veil Akraz with the rope leading from the tree stump up to some burning trees to the north, follow the rope path to the end, then walk onto the tree branch to get within reach of the chest on a rope-hung shelf
Sethekk Hollow [67.4, 39.8]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
This chest is on a broken east-west wall near the northern end of Sethekk Hollow. Get to the eastern end of the wall, on the north side, and jump foward to the spot where the wall and the terrain meets. Keep jumping forward to inch higher, and eventually on to the wall
Veil Zekk [60.2, 53.9]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
Run up the rope near where the questgivers stand at to find the chest on a branch up in a tree
Nest of the Ravenspeakers [51.9, 49.0]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
North of the wall with the chest on it is a large tree. Run uphill to the hill behind the tree, jump on to one of the close branches, get to the center of the tree, jump between the two upright branches close to the wall, and repeatedly jump up and forward until making it to the wall.

Tracking quest[]

To check whether this chest has been looted, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(<ID>))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, this chest has been looted; "false" indicates the opposite.

ID Subzone Coords
36245 Skettis [43.0, 16.4]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
36354 Veil Terokk [46.0, 44.2]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
36355 Veil Akraz [43.2, 27.3]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
36356 Sethekk Hollow [67.4, 39.8]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
36359 Veil Zekk [60.2, 53.9]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip
36360 Nest of the Ravenspeakers [51.9, 48.9]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip

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