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For the Mage version, see Spell nature removecurse [Remove Curse].
Remove Curse
Spell holy removecurse
Class Druid
School Arcane
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 24

Remove Curse is a druid spell that removes one curse-type debuff from a friendly target player.

Tips and tactics[]

  • Curses can be quite nasty. It is recommended to remove them as soon as you can, if you're in casting form.
  • In PvP, removing the curses from allies under attack from a warlock is much appreciated and can turn the battle against the opposing warlock.

Handy macro[]

The following macro will cast Remove Curse on the target underneath your mouse pointer, without losing your current target. This is handy if you have a group or raid party frame that prominently displays curses that you can remove. Simply hover the mouse over the target and tap this macro.

/cast [target=mouseover] Remove Curse

Patch changes[]

External links[]
