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For boss encounter, see Scarlet Commander Mograine.
NeutralRenault Mograine
Image of Renault Mograine
Title Scarlet Commander
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Former affiliation(s) Knights of the Silver Hand, Kingdom of Lordaeron
Occupation Commander of the Scarlet Monastery
Location Various
Status Deceased[1]
Relative(s) Alexandros (father), Elena (mother), Darion (brother)
Mentor(s) Balnazzar (by way through the possessed corpse of Saidan Dathrohan)

Scarlet Commander Renault Mograine was the young paladin commander of the military forces of the Scarlet Crusade, once located in the Crusader's Chapel of the Cathedral in the Scarlet Monastery.

In his youth, Renault was a member of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the son of their leader, Highlord Alexandros Mograine. Manipulated by Balnazzar through the possessed corpse of Saidan Dathrohan, and jealous of the attention given to his brother Darion Mograine, Renault accepted the offer of the Grand Crusader and led his father into an ambush before murdering him with the Ashbringer.

As promised, Renault became the Scarlet Commander of the Scarlet Monastery, however, he was later beheaded by Alexandros' vengeful spirit when his brother brought the Ashbringer during their last meeting.


The Ashbringer[]

Comics title This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Young Renault in the Ashbringer comic.

Saidan and Renault - Ashbringer comic

The nathrezim Balnazzar, in the body of Saidan Dathrohan, corrupting Renault with his blood.

Saidan and Renault 2 - Ashbringer comic

Renault's paladin ceremony in the Scarlet Crusade.

Renault Mograine was the older son of Highlord Alexandros Mograine — also known as the Ashbringer because of the sword he wielded against the undead. When the first hint of the plague of undeath started to spread around Lordaeron, he lived in a farmhouse in Brill with his father and brother (his mother, Elena died due to post-partum complications when his younger brother, Darion, was born). With Renault, Darion secretly attended their father's meeting with the members of the Knights of the Silver Hand at the inn of Southshore, where they learned about the situation in Lordaeron, the growing number of undead, and witnessed the purification of what would later become the heart of the Ashbringer. Along with his brother, he joined the Silver Hand at a relatively young age soon after the end of the Third War.

The Grand Crusader Saidan Dathrohan (the mortal form of the dreadlord Balnazzar) had struck a deal with Kel'Thuzad (the lich who served as the Scourge overlord in the Plaguelands) to kill Alexandros; Dathrohan/Balnazzar would be in a position to take over the Crusade and Kel'Thuzad would be rid of a great threat to his hold in Lordaeron. To that end, Dathrohan recruited young Renault by promising him great power and prestige in his Crusade if he could kill his father.

Under the pretext that Darion had been kidnapped by the undead, Renault sent Mograine and his adviser Fairbanks to near the ruined city of Stratholme — the primary fortress of the Scourge in Lordaeron — where they were to be ambushed. Fairbanks fell relatively early on, but Mograine was able to destroy wave after wave of the Scourge attackers. Mograine weakened during the long battle, however, and dropped his sword to the ground; this was the opportunity Renault had waited for. Coming from behind his father, the boy picked up Ashbringer and ran it through Mograine's heart, killing the Highlord and fouling the blade... thus dooming both to the service of Kel'Thuzad.

As promised, Renault was promoted to Scarlet Commander and sent to the Monastery in Tirisfal as commander of operations. His treachery would not be forgotten, though, by the now-death knight Highlord Mograine. His brother Darion and a small contingent from the Argent Dawn entered into the necropolis Naxxramas and destroyed the corrupted Highlord, unaware that the elder Mograine's spirit still resided in his weapon. Darion took the fouled blade and traveled to the Scarlet Monastery to see Renault. Renault flew into a rage upon seeing the blade in his brother's hands and began beating Darion. However, Highlord Mograine was to have his revenge...

Chained to the blade, Alexandros's corrupted spirit appeared in the chapel and confronted his horrified son for his treachery. Alexandros then lashed out, killing the Scarlet Commander instantly. Thus, as had happened in the reverse, Renault Mograine was killed by his own father, an act of revenge that would not be forgotten by any who witnessed it that day.

In World of Warcraft[]

Main article: Scarlet Commander Mograine
WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.
Battle for the Scarlet Monastery

Renault and Sally.

The following section was retconned by the comic and no longer refers to the current lore.

Raleigh the Devout in the Hillsbrad Foothills instructs Alliance players to kill Mograine as part of In the Name of the Light, while Bragor Bloodfist in the Undercity instructs Horde players to kill him to fulfill Into The Scarlet Monastery. However, these attempts to end the Commander's life seem to have failed, as he is in the end slain by his own father's spirit as part of the Corrupted Ashbringer event.

The Burning Crusade[]

Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Renault Mograine can be found as a young boy in Southshore in the Old Hillsbrad Foothills, accessible via the Caverns of Time.

Mists of Pandaria[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Although long dead, when High Inquisitor Whitemane died, her dying words were of him.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Before his execution, Fairbanks managed to give one last testimony on Alexandros Mograine's last fight with the Ashbringer against the Scourge and Renault's betrayal. This testimony was later written in the Libram of Ancient Kings, allowing the Knights of the Silver Hand to know the truth about the death of Highlord Mograine and the crimes of his son.[2]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Alexandros and the adventurer of the Necrolord Covenant encounter Renault in a vision at the Scroll of Remembrance in Bastion. Alexandros comments on how his betrayal haunts him even in death, and wonders if the pain would be best forgotten or better serve as a source of strength.[3]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Crusader's Chapel, Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 42 Elite WoW Icon update / 40 Wrath-Logo-Small Elite Alliance Horde As a boss encounter in Classic.
Southshore, Old Hillsbrad Foothills 15-30 Alliance Horde As part of the Escape from Durnholde Keep.

Objective of[]

Main article: Scarlet Commander Mograine#Objective of


World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.
Main article: Scarlet Commander Mograine#Quotes

Old Hillsbrad Foothills[]

Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Young Mograine

Renault Mograine as a child in Old Hillsbrad Foothills.

In Old Hillsbrad Foothills, you are able to see younger versions of Sally Whitemane, Renault Mograine, and Little Jimmy Vishas playing around and capturing a critter next to them (a frog).

Sally Whitemane says: My champion, destroy this monster!
Renault Mograine says: The infidel shall be purified, milady!
Renault Mograine says: ARGH! It has struck a fatal blow! I have failed you...
Renault Mograine staggers about as if he were mortally wounded.
Sally Whitemane says: Mograine has fallen! You shall pay for this treachery! Arise, my champion! Arise!
Sally Whitemane pretends to cast a healing spell on Renault.
Renault Mograine says: At your side, milady!
Sally Whitemane says: We will attack as one!
The captured critter dies
The children cheer.
Sally Whitemane says: We are victorious!

In the TCG[]

"Can you not see it, brothers and sisters? There is but one way to wipe the Scourge from the face of Azeroth. The Scarlet Crusade offers you the protection that you so desperately desire, and if you will pledge yourself to us, surely we will reach our ultimate goal. Defy us, and you will be dispatched in a blaze of golden light unlike any you have ever witnessed. My father, known to many as the Ashbringer, one of the most powerful paladins ever to walk the path of the Light, fell to my hand. What hopes could you possibly have, if even he could not stand against us?"[4]


Patch changes[]

See also[]

TCG cards


External links[]
