Repair bots are engineer-made mechanical creatures that can buy unwanted goods, sell reagents and (what is most important) repair gear. They are typically consumed upon use. ( [Jeeves] is currently the sole repair bot that is not consumed on use.)
As they can be summoned at need (albeit with a cooldown period and often consuming a copy of the bot), they can save great amounts of time on raids and in instances.
The repair bot was first invented by Gelbin Mekkatorque.[1]
[Field Repair Bot 74A][]
- Recipe found: Blackrock Depths, near Golem Lord Argelmach, on the floor. The schematic is not a bag item. To learn it, engineers will have to visit Blackrock Depths and read the schematic themselves.
- Required engineering skill: 300
- Materials:
- 16x [Thorium Bar]
- 2x [Fused Wiring]
Significantly more expensive to use than a vendor (any vendor). Some may consider the schematic for the Field Repair Bot 74A to be the most rare element due to its obscurity. Consumed upon use.
[Field Repair Bot 110G][]
- Recipe found: drops from Gan'arg Analyzers
- Required engineering skill: 360
- Materials:
Introduced in Patch 2.3.0, using this bot is still more expensive than a vendor, but much cheaper than the 74A unit. Consumed upon use.
[Scrapbot Construction Kit][]
- Recipe found: quest reward for completing the quest chain started by the [SCRAP-E Access Card]
- Required engineering skill: 415
- Materials:
- 10x [Saronite Bar]
Introduced with Patch 3.0.2, this bot is about as expensive to use as a neutral vendor. As it uses Northrend materials, it is generally considered easier to make than the 110G unit. Consumed upon use.
- Recipe found: salvaged from various mechanical mobs in Northrend.
- Required engineering skill: 450
- Materials:
- 2x [Field Repair Bot 74A]
- 10x [Field Repair Bot 110G]
- 20x [Scrapbot Construction Kit]
- 8x [Titansteel Bar]
- 2x [King's Amber]
- 30x [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
Introduced in Patch 3.2.0, Jeeves is a departure from the previous line of repair bots. Unlike the previous generations of repair bots, Jeeves is not consumed upon use. The high material requirements reflect this.
Similar items[]
The Traveler's Tundra Mammoth and Grand Expedition Yak features a repair vendor riding one of the seats. While these mount can be summoned in mountable areas only, its vendor performs much the same function as a repair bot.