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NeutralRepeat After Me
Runestone of Constructs
One of the runestones
Start Ta'eran
End Ta'eran
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 12,500
Reputation +135 The Undying Army
Rewards Inv jewelry ring 02 [Signet of the Learned]
36g 50s 40c
Previous N [53-60] Read Between the Lines
Next N [53-60] Slaylines


Read the rune stones of the five houses, then honor them by performing the correct /emote at each stone.


The Primus placed guardians in the area around the Sepulcher to protect the knowledge within. Each embodied the virtues of one of the five houses.

To gain entrance, you must prove yourself worthy by besting these protectors.

Seek out the rune stones that represent the houses of Maldraxxus. Pay attention to the words inscribed on each stone, then pay deference each house's values.

If you honor the stone, its protector will come forth. Defeat each of them.


You will receive:


The Primus was clever indeed.


Now that those guardians are dispatched, we can focus on unlocking the door.


Five runestones are scattered around the valley. At each one, the player needs to perform a specific emote mentioned in the stone's inscription in order to summon the corresponding echo.

Runestone of Chosen, in a cave in the southwest[43.9, 34.7]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
<Text is carved into the statue's base.>
Respect is won through the trial of might. We Salute those who rise above the masses.

While the runestone is targeted, type in /salute to summon the Echo of the Hero.

Runestone of Eyes, in a cave in the east[45.8, 28.6]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
<Text is carved into the statue's base.>
Hidden truths may be found in the darkness. The skillful can Sneak past their foes unseen.

While the runestone is targeted, type in /sneak to summon the Echo of the Spy.

Runestone of Plague, in a slime crater on the western edge of the valley[40.7, 31.1]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
<Text is carved into the statue's base.>
With virulence we overcome our foes. The worthy must Bleed for Maldraxxus.

While the runestone is targeted, type in /bleed to summon the Echo of the Chemist.

Runestone of Rituals, in a cave in the northwest[41.7, 28.3]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
<Text is carved into the statue's base.>
Fate is determined by those who seize it. Supplicants must Kneel in tribute.

While the runestone is targeted, type in /kneel to summon the Echo of the Magus.

Runestone of Constructs, near the southeastern edge of the valley[47.3, 35.7]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
<Text is carved into the statue base.>
Weakness must be supplanted by might. Our strength shall be Flexed in battle.

While the runestone is targeted, type in /flex to summon the Echo of the Crafter.


Optional breadcrumb: N [53-60] Broker Business

  1. N [53-60] Read Between the Lines
  2. Complete all of:
    1. N [53-60] Repeat After Me
    2. N [53-60] Slaylines
  3. N [53-60] Secrets Among the Shelves
  4. N [53-60] Archival Protection
  5. N [53-60] Trust Fall
  6. N [53-60] A Complete Set

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Honor the rune stones of the five houses . The Warlord's statue can be honored by performing /salute.


To open the doors to the Sepulcher, we must harness the anima of the five guardians that protect this area.

Each of the five houses has a rune stone nearby, and a guardian that protects that stone.

Search out these five stones and pay honor to house it represents. Then eliminate the guardian to release the anima within.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
