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AllianceRepel the Horde!
Start Lady Jaina Proudmoore
End Rosaline Madison
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [60] Stand Fast
Next A [60] Masking For a Friend & A [60] Gunpowder Plots & A [60] Free Plumeria!


Defeat Horde Axe Throwers or Berserkers on the north shore of Anglepoint Wharf.

  • Defeat Axe Throwers and Berserkers (0 / 100%)


The Horde has overrun Anglepoint, killing my people and destroying their livelihoods. Its raiders have come to Kul Tiras with killing on their minds. I cannot allow that to happen.

Slay any Horde Axe Throwers or Berserkers you see on the north shore. I will do the same on the south. Together we will stop this invasion.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


I see you've been successful too, <name>.


I can see the Horde's ranks have thinned quite a bit.

I'm sure the Lord Admiral will be pleased. I know I am. Not bad, mainlander.


On accept of all four quests
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I believe I see some of the Outriggers fighting the Horde across the water. They'll help us take back Anglepoint.
Jaina, Taelia, and Okri walk towards the end of the pier, facing the water.
Okri Putterwrench says: The Outriggers almost certainly need mechanical restoration to their weaponry, Lord Admiral. I'll stay with <name>.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Very well, Quartermaster. Taelia, you're with me.
Taelia Fordragon says: Aye, Lord Admiral.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: <Name>, I will create a path for you to travel over the water to the Outriggers on the south shore.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: <Name>, take my water elemental to help you.
Jaina summons a Water Elemental.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: We'll meet up when we've cleared the Horde out of the Wharf.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: For Kul Tiras!
Jaina teleports away, followed by Taelia.

You can use the frozen water to walk to Rosaline. Kill Invading Axe Throwers, Invading Shaman, and Invading Berserkers.


  1. A [60] The Calm Before
  2. A [60] To Anglepoint
  3. A [60] Stand Fast
  4. A [60] Zero Zeppelins & A [60] Squad Goals & A [60] Repel the Horde! & A [60] Besieged Allies & A [60] Outrigger Outfitters
  5. A [60] Masking For a Friend & A [60] Gunpowder Plots & A [60] Free Plumeria!
  6. A [60] Shots Fired
  7. A [60] Stopping the Sappers
  8. A [60] Express Delivery
  9. A [60] War Marches On

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