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NeutralReport: Battlefield Ruins
Start Ebyssian [49.9, 27.5]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
End Field Commander Ignax [46.7, 29.6]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Embers of Neltharion
Experience 1,200
Rewards 10x Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones]
2g 80s 90c
Previous N [70] The Obsidian Rest
Next N [70] Blow It Up, N [70] Thinning Their Defenses, N [70] Intercepting Communications
Report Battlefield Ruins

Field Commander Ignax at the Obsidian Spire Outpost


Find Field Commander Ignax in the Battlefield Ruins.


Our situation is worse than we thought.

Their dominance of the air keeps us at a disadvantage. They plan on freeing their powerful Elder from Aberrus. Allowing them to accomplish this could result in us permanently forfeiting control of this area.

Seek out Field Commander Ignax in the Battlefield Ruins and see what can be done to turn the tide of this battle. We will join you shortly.


You will receive:


It is good to see an ally out here in the field. We could use one right now.


On accept:

Sabellian says: Take these bombs to the Field Commander. I am certain he will know what to do with them.
Kasztan walks off.
Wrathion says: We're counting on you, friend.

Players are buffed with:

Inv eng bombfire B-b-bombs! In My Backpack?! — Carrying a backpack full of bombs. Everything will be fine!

Head west across the bridge to the Obsidian Spire Outpost:

Field Commander Ignax says: Put your weapons down! This one's friendly.


  1. N [70] Here We Go Again
  2. N [70] The Obsidian Rest
  3. N [70] Report: Battlefield Ruins
  4. N [70] Blow It Up & N [70] Thinning Their Defenses & N [70] Intercepting Communications
  5. N [70] Air Superiority
  6. N [70] Investigating the Unknown
  7. N [70] Break Them Out & N [70] Worst of the Worst

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