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Night FaeReport to Lord Herne
Start Ara'lon [41.1, 31.5]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
End Lord Herne [54.3, 77.9]VZ-Heart of the ForestBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Campaign
Experience 950
Rewards Inv bracer cloth ardenweald d 01 [Faewoven Cuffs]
or Inv bracer leather ardenweald d 01 [Oakheart Bracers]
or Inv bracer mail ardenweald d 02 [Runewarden's Armguards]
or Inv bracer plate ardenweald d 01 [Queensguard Vambraces]
2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] Blackthorn Captives
Next N [60] Ulfar's Guidance


Deliver Ara'lon's report to Lord Herne.


I will do whatever it takes to save Gweyir from the Drust's curse.

Lord Herne must be informed of what befell my hunting party. Deliver my report to him while I escort Gweyir back to the Heart of the Forest.

Gweyir was under my leadership during the ambush... she is my responsibility. I will make sure she gets home safely.


You will receive one of:
Inv bracer cloth ardenweald d 01 [Faewoven Cuffs] Inv bracer leather ardenweald d 01 [Oakheart Bracers]
Inv bracer mail ardenweald d 02 [Runewarden's Armguards] Inv bracer plate ardenweald d 01 [Queensguard Vambraces]

You will also receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 950 XP


Did you find the lost hunting party?


So Gweyir and Ara'lon are the only survivors... this is grave news.


On accept:

Ara'lon says: Report to Lord Herne. I will guide Gweyir to safety.

Players still have the mask, so they can run out on foot if necessary.

Back at the Heart of the Forest, Lord Herne has moved away from his usual spot, a bit further east of the Command Table. Ysera has joined him.

On complete:

Lord Herne says: The Drust's curse will soon bend Gweyir to their will. It is too great a risk to keep her here!
Ysera says: There may yet be hope for the young huntress...


  1. N [60] The Fate of Ara'lon
  2. N [60] Masks of Deception
  3. N [60] Blackthorn Captives
  4. N [60] Report to Lord Herne
  5. N [60] Ulfar's Guidance
  6. N [60] Into the Flame
  7. N [60] Kivarr the Thornspeaker
  8. N [60] Kivarr's Den
  9. N [60] Searching the Grove
  10. N [60] The Thornspeaker Captive
  11. N [60] A Swift Intervention
  12. N [60] Return to the Den
  13. N [60] Nox Root
  14. N [60] Witch's Satchel and N [60] The Broken Spear
  15. N [60] Ritual of Purification
  16. N [60] Unbroken Bonds

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

We must do whatever it takes to save Gweyir from this curse of possession.

Lord Herne will need to be updated on the status of the mission. Run ahead and deliver this report to him while I escort Gweyir back to the Heart of the Forest.

Gweyir was under my leadership during the ambush, so I must accept responsibility for her current affliction. I will make sure she gets home safely.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
