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Inv misc paperbundle04a
  • Research Report: All-Seeing Crystal
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Use: Allows you to permanently see and find creatures who are carrying Relic Fragments.
  • Requires Level 1
  • Requires The Archivists' Codex - Tier 2
  • "Roh-Suir was able to recreate the research on an All-Seeing Crystal, allowing you to affix one to the Lodestaff to detect other relics."
Reliquary sight devourer

A devourer seen through a wall that holds some relics

Research Report: All-Seeing Crystal is purchased from Archivist Roh-Suir at Rank 2 for 100 Inv misc paperbundle04a [Cataloged Research] at the Reliquary of Remembrance at Keeper's Respite in Korthia.

This item is account-wide — only one character needs to use it and all characters on the account will gain the buff while in Korthia.

After using the item, players in Korthia are buffed with:

Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye02 Reliquary Sight — Able to detect creatures who are holding relic fragments.

This will reveal normally-hidden relic gorgers and gatherers all over Korthia.

Ability stealth Hidden — Hidden from sight while collecting relic fragments. Can only be seen through special methods.

Much like treasure goblins, the relic units are single-minded on running away and will not attack players who attempt to defeat them. They must be killed — quickly — or they'll open a portal to escape. These treasure units start out by dropping 30x Inv relics 6orunestone ogremissive [Relic Fragment]. Subsequent kills are worth less, all the way down to 1 Relic Fragment per kill.

Additionally, any creature in Korthia has a chance to spawn holding relics. While they won't be buffed, they will be visible through walls. They start off at 20x Inv relics 6orunestone ogremissive [Relic Fragment], scaling down to 1 fragment per kill as well.

Tracking quests[]

To check whether the loot was acquired today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(<ID>))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, the loot was acquired today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Type ID Fragments
Rare 64433 30
64434 20
64435 15
64436 5
Random 64341 20
64342 14
64343 9
64344 6

Patch changes[]

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