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Start Artificer Baleera
End Artificer Baleera
Level 10-40
Category Garrison Support
Experience 13,690
Reputation +250 Council of Exarchs
Rewards 11g 40s
Previous A [10-40] A Power Lost


Retrieve the sample for Artificer Baleera.


As mentioned, our larger defense crystals have been drained of power, creating gaps in our defenses. The crystal you brought me is only a reminder of the severity of this situation. It's Shadowmoon magic to blame, I'm sure of it.

One of our rangari scouts spotted an orc fleeing north, past Palemoon Village, and into the valley beyond. Go, find this orc, and see if you can't retrieve whatever vessel he's storing the power inside of. If we get it back, I'm sure I can restore the crystals.


You will receive: 11g 40s
Inv garrison blueprints1 [Gem Boutique, Level 1] Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Jewelcrafting]


The crystal's power pulses as it is carried.


You've found it! This crystal is overflowing with energy. This is definitely what we were looking for.

I fear even thinking about what kind of ritual this orc was planning to undergo with the power from this crystal.

You've done a great thing for us, <class>. As promised, I would like to show you my appreciation by teaching you how to work with some of our native gems and crystals. I trust you will put the knowledge to good use.


Your target is Mob Morakh Chillwhisper, located at the base of Mount Kra'gor on the eastern side, a ways north of the village and at the other end of Umbrafen from Elodor.

Be aware that he is surrounded by Mob Shadow Skeletons.

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