The Revendreth storyline is the final of the four level-up storylines in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. The Winter Queen of Ardenweald realizes that she and the other leaders require significantly more anima to fend off The Jailer, so she sends the adventurer to Revendreth with a request.
The progression of the storyline is tracked in the achievement [The Master of Revendreth].
Welcome to Revendreth[]
- [58-60] A Plea to Revendreth
- [58-60] The Sinstone
- [58-60] Invitation of the Master
- [58-60] Bottom Feeders and [58-60] The Greatest Duelist
- Optional side quest: [58-60] The Endmire
- [58-60] On The Road Again
- Optional side quest: [58-60] Not My Job
- [58-60] Rebels on the Road and [58-60] Anima Attrition
- Optional side quest: [58-60] Words Have Power
- [58-60] To Darkhaven
The Master[]
- [58-60] The Stoneborn
- [58-60] A Plea to the Harvesters
- Optional side quests: [58-60] Bring Out Your Tithe, [58-60] A Curious Invitation, [58-60] Reason for the Treason and [58-60] And Then There Were None
- [58-60] The Master Awaits
- [58-60] The Authority of Revendreth
The Accuser[]
- [58-60] I Don't Get My Hands Dirty
- [58-60] The Accuser's Sinstone
- [58-60] Inquisitor Stelia's Sinstone and [58-60] Temel, the Sin Herald
- Optional side quest: [58-60] It Used to Be Quiet Here
- [58-60] Herald Their Demise
- [58-60] Inquisitor Vilhelm's Sinstone
- Optional bonus objective: [48-59B] A Fresh Start
- [58-60] Ending the Inquisitor
- [58-60] Sinstone Delivery
- [58-60] The Accuser's Secret
- [58-60] The Accuser's Fate
- [58-60] A Lesson in Humility
The Penitent Hunt[]
- [58-60] The Grove of Terror
- [58-60] Dread Priming
- Optional side quest: [58-60] Beast Control
- [58-60] Alpha Bat
- [58-60] King of the Hill
- [58-60] Let the Hunt Begin
- [58-60] The Penitent Hunt and [58-60] Devour This
- Optional side quests: [58-60] Hunting Trophies and [58-60] Abel's Fate
- [58-60] The Accuser
- [58-60] A Reflection of Truth
- [58-60] Dredhollow
- [58-60] Breaking the Hopebreakers, [58-60] They Won't Know What Hit Them, and [58-60] Rebel Reinforcements
- Optional bonus objective [48-59B] Forgotten Village
- [58-60] The Fearstalker
The Mad Duke[]
- [58-60] Where is Prince Renathal?
- [58-60] Sign Your Own Death Warrant
- [58-60] Chasing Madness
- [58-60] My Terrible Morning, [58-60] Theotar's Mission, and [58-60] Unbearable Light
- [58-60] Lost in the Desiccation
- [58-60] Tubbins's Tea
- [58-60] An Uneventful Stroll
- [58-60] Into the Light
- Optional side quests: [60] WANTED: Enforcer Kristof, [58-60] WANTED: Summoner Marcelis
- [58-60] Securing Sinfall
Prince Renathal[]
- [58-60] In the Ruin of Rebellion
- [58-60] Prince Renathal
- [58-60] Cages For All Occasions
- [58-60] A Royal Key
- [58-60] Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- [58-60] Refuge of Revendreth
The Master of Lies[]
- [60] Blinded By The Light
- [60] The Master of Lies
This concludes the level-up portion of the Shadowlands campaign. The max-level campaign begins with [60] The End of the Beginning.
Side quests[]
- Main article: Sojourner of Revendreth
The Duelist's Debt[]
- [58-60] A Curious Invitation
- [58-60] The Lay of the Land
- Optional quest: [58-60G3] WANTED: Aggregate of Doom
- [58-60] Finders-Keepers, Sinners-Weepers
- [58-60] Active Ingredients and [58-60] A Fine Vintage
- [58-60] Message for Matyas
- [58-60] Comfortably Numb
- [58-60] The Field of Honor and [58-60] Offer of Freedom
- [58-60] It's a Trap
Tithes of Darkhaven[]
- [58-60] Bring Out Your Tithe
- [58-60] Reason for the Treason
- [58-60] And Then There Were None
Dirty Jobs[]
- [58-60] Not My Job
- [58-60] It's a Dirty Job
- [58-60] Dredger Duty
- [58-60] We're Gonna Need a Bigger Dredger
- [58-60] Running a Muck
The Final Atonement[]
- [58-60] The Absolution of Souls / [58-60] Our Forgotten Purpose
- [58-60] An Abuse of Power
- [58-60] The Proper Souls, [58-60] The Proper Tools, and [58-60] The Proper Punishment
- [58-60] Ritual of Absolution
- [58-60] Ritual of Judgment
- [58-60] Archivist Fane
- [58-60] The Sinstone Archive, [58-60] Missing Stone Fiend, and [58-60] Atonement Crypt Key
- [58-60] Rebuilding Temel
- [58-60] Ready to Serve
- [58-60] Hunting an Inquisitor
- [58-60D] Halls of Atonement: Your Absolution
Mirror Maker of the Master[]
- [58-60] An Unfortunate Situation
- [58-60] Foraging for Fragments
- [58-60] Moving Mirrors
- [58-60] Light Punishment and [58-60] When Only Ash Remains
- [58-60] Escaping the Master and [58-60] We Need More Power
- [58-60] Mirror Making, Not Breaking
Revelations of the Light[]
- [58-60] A Rousing Aroma
- [58-60] Safe in the Shadows and [58-60] Rubble Rummaging
- [58-60] Setting Sabina Free
Venthyr campaign[]
Should players choose the Venthyr Covenant at max level, they will begin the [Venthyr Campaign].
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