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Riftbound Cache

Riftbound Cache

Four Riftbound Caches are found in The Rift of Korthia each day. Access the Rift by using a Inv relics runestone [Repaired Riftkey] at any Korthian Rift Portal, purchased at Tier 4 (honored) with the Archivists' Codex from Archivist Roh-Suir for 100x Inv misc paperbundle04a [Cataloged Research].

Caches contain 9-15x Inv relics 6orunestone ogremissive [Relic Fragment] and 10-12 uncommon-quality anima items (50-60 anima). They also contain the Inv misc crate01 [Stolen Korthian Supplies] once a week. They may also contain 1-3x Inv misc food legion goooil bottle [Ashen Liniment], Inv chest armor oribos d 01 [Korthian Armaments], Inv shoulder armor maw c 08 [Shaded Skull Shoulderguards], and Inv cape special domination d 01 [Shadehunter's Crescent]. Night Fae Covenant players may find the Inv turtlemount [Spider Soul] inside.

Tracking quests[]

To check whether the chest has been looted today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(<id>))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, the chest has been looted today; "false" indicates the opposite.

ID Coords
64456 IconSmall RaidCross [38.0, 35.8]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [33.4, 39.3]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [39.8, 43.1]VZ-KorthiaBlip
64470 IconSmall RaidStar [24.8, 56.2]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [26.0, 55.8]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [27.8, 58.9]VZ-KorthiaBlip
64471 IconSmall RaidSquare [54.8, 42.4]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [54.2, 54.8]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [61.0, 35.4]VZ-KorthiaBlip
64472 IconSmall RaidTriangle [64.3, 30.9]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [56.3, 18.4]VZ-KorthiaBlip / [50.8, 33.0]VZ-KorthiaBlip

Patch changes[]

External links[]
