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For the PvP talent, see Ability mage scorchedearth [Ring of Fire].
NeutralRing of Fire
Start Maldra Flametongue
End Investigator Erima
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 24,650
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [68-70] To Breach a Fire Wall
Next N [68-70] Report on the Rebels



This rampaging revenant of flame must be eliminated before the Primalists can unleash it upon the Dragon Isles.

Protect Maldra Flametongue while she seals the Primalist portal.


In the deepest recesses of the Emberslate Cavern, the Primalists erected a fiery portal from which they unleash elementals.

I can seal it, but my actions will draw the ire of whatever is on the other side. Including the revenant Magmaticus the Primalists have been aiding.

I will need your protection if we are to stop them.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 24,650 XP


Nicely done, <name>!

Maldra shared with me the details of your heroics.


Upon accept
Maldra Flametongue says: Meet me at the portal.
Maldra heads out.

The character has the Fallingwater Blessing buff, so head inside the cave past the fire wall and find Maldra deep in the cave, in front of a fire portal.

Speaking with Maldra
This is the moment of truth, <race>.
I will seal that portal, but I require your protection while I do so... especially when Magmaticus arrives.
Prepare yourself for anything that comes through!
Gossip I'm ready.
Maldra Flametongue says: Prepare yourself!

One Blazing Ember and two Incendiary Goos attack.

Maldra Flametongue says: More are coming. Keep at it!

Two Blazing Embers attack.

Maldra Flametongue says: I still need more time!

Five Incendiary Goos attack.

Maldra Flametongue says: The portal is nearly closed, but I sense that Magmaticus is coming!

Magmaticus appears and attacks. During the fight, the elemental summons Magma Droplets.

Magmaticus killed
Maldra Flametongue says: That should thwart their plans!
Maldra Flametongue says: Consider this my resignation from the rebellion.


  1. N [68-70] Chaos and Commotion
  2. N [68-70] Follow the Clues
  3. N [68-70] Rebels With a Cause, N [68-70] Detonation Locations & N [68-70] Ruin the Runestones
  4. N [68-70] Maldra's in Hot Water
  5. N [68-70] Chasing Waterfalls
  6. N [68-70] To Breach a Fire Wall
  7. N [68-70] Ring of Fire, N [68-70] Worst of the Worst & N [68-70] Fracture the Foci
  8. N [68-70] Report on the Rebels

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