Increases the armor of the Hero by 1 when worn.
Thrall finds one in Chasing Visions, chapter 1 of the Warcraft III prologue campaign, Exodus of the Horde, by defeating a golem.
Arthas receives one as a reward for the quest Save Timmy in the human campaign, The Scourge of Lordaeron.
Thrall can find one in Landfall, chapter 1 of the orc campaign, The Invasion of Kalimdor.
Tyrande can find one in Enemies at the Gate, chapter 1 of the night elf campaign, Eternity's End.
Maiev can find one in Rise of the Naga, chapter 1 of the Frozen Throne sentinels campaign, Terror of the Tides.
Kael can find one in Misconceptions, chapter 1 of the alliance campaign, Curse of the Blood Elves.
Kael and Lady Vashj can find one in The Dungeons of Dalaran, chapter 3 of the that campaign.
Arthas, Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas can find one in King Arthas, chapter 1 of the scourge campaign, Legacy of the Damned.
Ring of Protection in the TCG.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 1.03 (2002-10-09): Fixed an issue related to Hero illusions' carrying a Ring of Protection.