The Riplash Ruins.
The Riplash Ruins are found at the southernmost portion of the Borean Tundra, in a small cluster of islands not far from the Riplash Strand on the mainland. There used to be a great night elven city here, thousands of years ago. All that's left is a few islands with buildings half standing between wandering icebergs. The most intact building is a temple of Elune, but the goddess hasn't been there in a long time. At some point after the Great Sundering, the Riplash naga took the ruins over and replaced her with a statue of Queen Azshara.[1]
500 years ago, Raj Naz'jan was the emperor of the Riplash naga, when the kraken Leviroth was imprisoned in the waters below the ruins by Azshara herself. She then blessed his trident so it would slay the beast should it ever escape.[2]
While the Lich King woke the vrykul, it was the simple greed of the Northsea Freebooters' pirates that brought the kvaldir to Northrend's shores, as they stole artifacts from a vrykul burial ground and disturbed the spirits of the dead. One of those kvaldir clans, the Skadir, brought their longships to shore at the ruins, wiped out the naga (leaving only Veehja), and took the ruins for themselves, using them as a staging ground for their attacks on the Borean Tundra.[1]
During the war against the Lich King, Alliance adventurers were sent to the ruins in order to push back the kvaldir, as Valiance Keep would have been their next target.[1] The Skadir also had plans to revive Leviroth, as one of their leaders, Ragnar Drakkarlund, could be found here with the [Trident of Naz'jan], trying to awake the creature. Veehja later ordered his death and also that of the kraken.[3][2]
Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the Skadir are still summoning their blasted mists onto the place, which makes it hard to get a look at the ruins.[1]
Dig site[]

The bulk of the Riplash Ruins are a night elven archaeology dig site.
According to Muradin Bronzebeard, the entire area would be a treasure trove for night elf archaeology if it weren’t for the kvaldir.[1]
In the RPG[]
The Riplash Ruins in Lands of Mystery.
The Riplash Ruins is an old ruin standing at the Borean Tundra's south end, in the southernmost tip of Northrend. The ruins appear to be of nerubian architecture oddly located above ground, mostly. It is speculated that there was an earthquake long ago, possibly the result of magma beneath, and this section of Azjol-Nerub got shoved up to the surface. Regardless, nerubians are not there now, and a pack of naga moved in some time ago. They are nasty and attack anyone who gets within range. Fortunately, there is no reason to venture down there as you can reach the ocean just as easily all along the tundra's shore.[4] The Riplash Ruins give the naga a perfect view of anyone approaching across the ocean from the south.[5]
Note and trivia[]
- It was said at BlizzCon 2007 that from here the naga sought to flood the region by melting the icecaps. This was also mentioned at the Borean Tundra page at the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Features page.[6] The naga's plan is not mentioned in-game although their plans may have been halted by the re-emergence of the kvaldir, or the idea was simply scrapped.
- On the ceiling roof of the tower Ragnar Drakkarlund stands in, there is a mural of constellations. Below it is a narrow ledge where you can find an easter egg (literally) tucked into a crevice.
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.
- ^ a b c d e Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 94
- ^ a b
[10-30] The Emissary
- ^
[10-30] The Trident of Naz'jan
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 93
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 92
- ^ http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/features/northrend/borean-tundra.xml