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NeutralRitual of Absolution
Start The Accuser
End The Accuser
Level 58-60 (Requires 58-60)
Category Revendreth
Experience 8,950
Reputation +50 The Avowed
Rewards 25g 27s 20c
Previous N [58-60] The Proper Souls, N [58-60] The Proper Tools, and N [58-60] The Proper Punishment
Next N [58-60] Ritual of Judgment


Help the Accuser complete the ritual of absolution.

  • Start the absolution ritual
  • Ritual completed


The ritual of absolution is a sacred rite that forces souls to discard the burdens of their mortal lives.

The soul must be a willing participant if the ritual's effect will be meaningful and long-lasting. We often spend ages preparing a soul for a single absolution ritual.

The Lord Chamberlain has neglected his duty. These souls are overdue for absolution, practically bursting with anima.

We will perform the ritual ourselves, and hurry these souls along their journey.


You will receive:


Absolution is where mercy meets justice.


Absolution does not come easy. Nor should it.


On accept
The Accuser says: The ritual of absolution can only be performed at a reliquary. Follow me!
The Accuser, Avowed Ritualist, and Fugitive Souls run toward the center of the area.
Speaking with the Accuser
The ritual of absolution will help these souls release the burdens of their mortal lives.
Be prepared. The burdens of life can be cantankerous.
Gossip I am ready. Begin the ritual.
The Accuser says: This ritual may not look like mercy to you, Maw Walker.
The Accuser says: But I assure you, everything we do is for the soul's benefit.
The Accuser says: Begin!
The Accuser and her venthyr companions start channeling anima into the four souls. Waves of Burdens of Pride appear.
The Accuser yells: You insignificant fools!
The Accuser yells: Your entire mortal lives sprawl before me, and I see nothing of value!
The Accuser yells: Let loose the bonds that bind you to those lost lives.
The Accuser yells: Release your failures and be free!
The Accuser yells: Release your failures or be condemned by them!
Ritual completed
Fugitive Soul says: I... am... insignificant...
The Accuser says: Yes you are. But knowing that means you might not be hopeless as well.
The Accuser says: Ritualists, see that these souls are returned to storage to meditate on what they've learned today.
The Accuser says: We will see how they've progressed in a few centuries.
Avowed Ritualist says: Yes, Accuser.


  1. N [58-60] The Absolution of Souls / N [58-60] Our Forgotten Purpose
  2. N [58-60] An Abuse of Power
  3. N [58-60] The Proper Souls, N [58-60] The Proper Tools, and N [58-60] The Proper Punishment
  4. N [58-60] Ritual of Absolution
  5. N [58-60] Ritual of Judgment
  6. N [58-60] Archivist Fane
  7. N [58-60] The Sinstone Archive, N [58-60] Missing Stone Fiend, and N [58-60] Atonement Crypt Key
  8. N [58-60] Rebuilding Temel
  9. N [58-60] Ready to Serve
  10. N [58-60] Hunting an Inquisitor
  11. N [58-60D] Halls of Atonement: Your Absolution

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