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Night FaeRitual of Purification
Start Kivarr [44.1, 56.4]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
End Kivarr [44.1, 56.4]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ardenweald
Experience 11,800
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] Witch's Satchel and N [60] The Broken Spear
Next N [60] Unbroken Bonds


Complete the Ritual of Purification.

  • Purification Fetish used
  • Ritual of Purification (0/100%)


I have finished making preparations for the ritual. The moment of truth has come.

The Drust fetish that Ulfar gave you will channel the ritual's power into Gweyir. It should counteract the curse that imprisons her mind.

This will not be pleasant. It may not even work. But this is the only chance we have to free her.


You will receive:


The ritual is our only hope of freeing Gweyir. We must try...


You performed the ritual admirably, but the Gorak Zhar's power was too strong for Gweyir to withstand. There is nothing more we can do, I am afraid.

It seems the masked fae are lost to us after all...


On accept:

Kivarr says: Be ready, Maw Walker. Gorak Zhar's sorcery will not be easily purged.

Players gain a bonus ability:

Inv enchanting 815 drustrod Purification Fetish 20 yd range — Purges the target of Drust enchantments. Channeled (16 cooldown)

Use it, and a handful of Purged Manifestations spawn:

Kivarr says: Destroy those things, quickly!

Take them out:

Kivarr says: Keep at it! The Drust's hold upon her is weakening!
Gweyir says: Unggh...

Use the bonus ability again. Each round of four manifestations is worth 25% of the bar. At 75%:

Kivarr says: Stay with us, Gweyir! This curse is nearly broken!
Gweyir says: Can't... hold on...

Use the fetish a final time and defeat the final four manifestations:

Gweyir dies.
Kivarr says: Gweyir! No...
Lord Herne says: She did not survive...


  1. N [60] The Fate of Ara'lon
  2. N [60] Masks of Deception
  3. N [60] Blackthorn Captives
  4. N [60] Report to Lord Herne
  5. N [60] Ulfar's Guidance
  6. N [60] Into the Flame
  7. N [60] Kivarr the Thornspeaker
  8. N [60] Kivarr's Den
  9. N [60] Searching the Grove
  10. N [60] The Thornspeaker Captive
  11. N [60] A Swift Intervention
  12. N [60] Return to the Den
  13. N [60] Nox Root
  14. N [60] Witch's Satchel and N [60] The Broken Spear
  15. N [60] Ritual of Purification
  16. N [60] Unbroken Bonds

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

I have imbued the fetish you brought from Ulfar with the reagents you gathered from within the Shadowlands.

Channel the power of the fetish on Gweyir and it will counteract the bonds of possession that imprison her.

This ritual will not be pleasant and I will make no promises that it will work or that Gweyir will survive. But this is our only course of action and her freedom depends on it.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
