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AllianceRitualistic Preparations
Start Myra Cabot
End Myra Cabot
Level 10-50
Category Mining
Rewards Mining Technique: Storm Silver Deposit (Rank 2)
Next A Mining [10-50] Brined Justice
For the Horde version of this quest, see H Mining [10-50] Ritualistic Preparations.


Mine Inv ore stormsilver [Unsanctified Storm Silver Ore], use a forge to smelt Inv ingot iron [Unsanctified Storm Silver Ingots], then get them blessed by a tidesage.

  • Use Forge to smelt Unsanctified Storm Silver Ore into Ingots
  • Storm Silver Ingots Blessed


Hey! I just got a request for a shipment of storm silver. Wanna help? 

As you know, storm silver is lightweight and resists corrosion. What you may not know is that we use it throughout our ships. It's so light our marines and pirates use it for armor because they can swim in it!

However, any parts that go onto a ship have to be blessed by a tidesage, or it'll be cursed to a watery doom!

Harvest a bucketful of ore, smelt it, and get it blessed for me, and I will teach you how to mine it easier.


You will learn: Mining Technique: Storm Silver Deposit (Rank 2)


Good work! These look great!

These bars will be used as part of our next warship.

Now then, you scratched my back, and I will scratch yours. Storm silver is very brittle naturally. When you mine it, use several small swings instead of one big one. That'll keep the metal from being chipped away.


  1. A Mining [10-50] Ritualistic Preparations
  2. A Mining [10-50] Brined Justice

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