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Image of Rokkutuk
Title <Lead Craftsman>
Gender Male
Race Tuskarr (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Iskaara Tuskarr
Location Iskaara, Azure Span
Status Alive

Rokkutuk is a tuskarr vendor located in Iskaara in the Azure Span.


Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.
Inv misc wrench 01 [Arclight Spanner]
11s 83c
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Energized Ysemerald]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Fine-Print Trifocals]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Idol of the Dreamer]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Idol of the Spell-Weaver]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Kalu'ak Figurine]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Keen Ysemerald]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Radiant Alexstraszite]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Resonant Focus]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Sensei's Alexstraszite]
Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Regenerative Leech]
Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Accelerated Agility]
Inv misc screwdriver 02 [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor]
1g 40s
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Allied Heartwarming Fur Coat]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Expert Skinner's Cap]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Finished Prototype Regal Barding]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Lavish Floral Pack]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Resplendent Cover]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Shockproof Gloves]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Snowball Makers]
Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Pattern: Tuskarr Beanbag]
Inv herbalism 70 starlightrosedust [Primal Flux]
Inv misc scrollrolled02 [Recipe: Impossibly Sharp Cutting Knife]
Inv misc orb yellow [Smudged Lens]
32g 50s
Inv 10 inscription2 scroll2 color2 [Technique: Contract: Iskaara Tuskarr]
Inv 10 inscription2 scroll2 color2 [Technique: Highland Drake: Black Hair]


Objective of[]



We tuskarr here in Iskaara have been gathering and crafting what we need to survive for generations.

I am the keeper of that knowledge, for this generation.

What would you like to learn? Or perhaps you are here to share your own skills?

Buy Show me your wares.

Main article: Orientation: Iskaara#Notes

Patch changes[]

External links[]
