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Part of a ruleset for Roleplaying-style realms in World of Warcraft.

The Roleplaying Policy support page on the Blizzard support site has now been deleted from their official page, which may insinuate that the policy quoted below, is no longer up to date. This is the quoted policy that used to be featured on the official support site:

Role Playing Policy[]

Creating an immersive world that holds true to the base story line of the World of Warcraft is the driving motivation behind our Role Play Servers. While other servers allow you to play World of Warcraft, these servers are intended to let you live World of Warcraft. Within this environment you will embark on long-lasting adventures, foster enduring comradeships, and wage epic wars. Cultivating an environment that allows this level of immersion rests largely upon the shoulders of you, the player.

To assist you in this endeavor, we have laid out rules of conduct more stringent than those of other servers. Keep in mind that each section of this policy is in addition to the policies currently being enforced on all servers.

If you find another player acting in a manner that contradicts the spirit of the guidelines detailed below, you must first verbally request the offending player to discontinue his/her behavior. If the actions continue after this request, only then should a Game Master (GM) be contacted. Remember to be respectful of others' Story Lines for we must all work together to keep the continuity of the Base Story Line. Good luck and safe journeys!

Role Play-Specific Verbal/Physical Harassment[]

This category includes:

  • Players that specifically target Role Players for verbal/physical abuse (not limited to offensive language)

If a player is found to be targeting Role Players with the specific intent to harass, he/she may:

  • Be temporarily suspended from the game

Out of Character (OOC) Discussion and Use of General Chat[]

Detailed below is the language policy enforced on the Role Play realms. Use of the /ignore command is also highly encouraged.

  • The General Chat Channel should only be used for finding Story Lines (SLs), finding Party Groups and various other discussions pertaining to Base Story Line (BSL), game-related topics, and continuity
  • The General Chat Channel should NOT be used for any "Off-topic," Non-Story Line or non game-related discussion
  • Absolutely no out of character (OOC) or Non-Fantasy related dialogue should take place in the /Say, /Yell, or Party Chat Channels
  • Guild Chat will not be policed for any fantasy related violations
  • All normal harassment rules still apply

Examples of appropriate conversation in the General Chat Channel:

  • "Would anyone like to join a Rogue Specific SL?"
  • "What happened to the Well of Eternity?"

Examples of inappropriate conversation in the General Chat Channel:

  • "Did you see that new movie?"
  • "My sister just bought a new car."

If a player is found violating any of these rules, he/she may:

  • Be given a warning
  • Be temporary suspended from the game

Non-Medieval/Fantasy Character Names[]

This category includes:

  • Any Non-Medieval or Non-Fantasy names (i.e. Microwave, Nuclearotron, Softwareman)
  • All normal naming rules and the specific Roleplay naming rules.

If a player is found to have such a name, he/she may:

  • Be assigned a randomly generated temporary name, to be changed via email
  • Be given the appropriate additional penalty if the name violates standard naming rules


  • This policy is in addition to the policies currently being enforced on all realms.
  • Repeatedly violating any area of the Role Play realm policy, as well as any area of the Terms of Use, will often result in temporary suspension from the game. The same sanction could apply for extreme cases.

In playing this game, you will encounter thousands of other players who share different experiences and come from vastly different character backgrounds than your own. Remember to be respectful of those around you. Help us to make this the most immersive Role Play Community in the history of the MMORPG!
